Happy Birthday Baby!

posted by sometrouble @ 5:09 PM | Test Category Two | Thursday, August 31, 2006

(warning: sentimental mush to follow)
Today is my husband's birthday. I don't think he usually reads my blog...he knows about it...just doesn't check it. He asked me once to just tell him verbally what I write every time I post. I don't see the point...so I don't. But he knows where to find this. Anyway, I do want to write about him. I found this quote one day on some wedding forum back when I was planning the big event and it is really perfect even though I know it sounds really cliché. I think it may have gone around as a chain letter at one time, but I don't care.
Find a man who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...wait for the man who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, "that's her"
All of those things are exactly my husband, and I love that. He told me once that he told his best friend after we had been dating a short time that "if this relationship lasts a year, I am probably going to marry her." And he did...but it took four years for that to happen. :o)

I am so thankful that I found Chad because:
He is my best friend.
The sense of security I feel by being with him.
He makes me feel beautiful and loved.
All the great times we have shared together.
When I am with him I never feel alone.
The sense of completeness I feel with him.
With his support I feel like I can face or achieve anything.
I can be myself around him.
He makes me laugh.
He loves me for who I am.

I love him so much! Happy Birthday Honey!



At September 01, 2006 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, that post is really sweet! I love when Chris calls me beautiful instead of hot. Sometimes I have to remind him that hot isn't really a compliment much anymore these days. I'd much rather be beautiful than hot. I love that picture too! Your dress is beautiful (at least from the back LOL!)

Have a great weekend!!


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Highly Nerdy

posted by sometrouble @ 11:58 AM | Test Category Two |

I got this Nerd Test from Mainline Mom...and just HAD to know what I'd score. I'm a nerd...and I accept it. How nerdy are you?

I am nerdier than 86% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

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At September 16, 2006 1:34 AM, Blogger Kat said...

According to them...

"2% scored higher (more nerdy), and
98% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!"



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skull crushing

posted by sometrouble @ 5:13 PM | Test Category Two | Wednesday, August 30, 2006


The kind that spread to your neck, shoulders, and back. Unfortunately, I am stuck at work for a while longer. I have to test these adhesive samples at the unbelievably slow speed of a 1/4 inch per minute. The test I am running involves bonding two pieces of metal, with a 3 inch long surface, together; and then peeling them apart and evaluating the strength. Usually we test these much faster (at least 2 inches per minute), because 1. you get better results at faster speeds, and 2. nobody wants to sit around waiting for the dumb things to be done...when we have a whole specification to meet...that means LOTS of replicates to test. I have to keep an eye on the machine incase of any errors. Each test is taking TWENTY-ONE MINUTES. This test normally is only like 2 minutes!

I suppose my head might feel better if I hadn't stayed at my mom's until after 1 am troubleshooting and tech supporting her computer. I did manage to greatly improve the machine's functionality. For some reason the thing was running at 100% CPU usage all the time (svchost.exe problem). This made EVERYTHING so slow. It is much better thanks to some nerding by me. This included repairing (or turning on...I don't know why it wasn't functioning) windows firewall, repeated windows update (and restarts) until it didn't seem to want to update anymore; updating virus definitions in McAfee and scanning; adding a secondary free virus scanner, updating, and scanning; downloading and running two different registry checker programs; and downloading FreeRAM XP PRO (which seems to work pretty well). Now things are running quickly...but still somewhat buggy. She said this morning she keeps getting messages she doesn't understand. It is so hard for me to make her PC work right without constantly monitoring it. I don't think she ever checks to make sure that windows update has run recently or that the virus scan actually scans once a week like it is scheduled to. Then everything piles up and I get 4 hours of mess to fix. I do kind of enjoy doing it though...it is like solving a puzzle. Maybe I should have gone into computers instead of chemistry.

I have to go out tonight to get together with two friends and a bunch of other people I worked with 4-5 years ago at the Olive Garden. I don't feel like socializing with people I barely know and haven't talked to in almost 5 years. This is all because one friend decided a week and a half ago that she "needed a change" and will be moving to Florida this Friday. Friend 2 and I were shocked...and a bit miffed about the short notice...but we decided that we had to get together before she left. Then we decided to try to throw together a last minute reunion from the OG. Friends 1 and 2 both worked there a bit after I quit...so they are closer with other employees who worked at the same time than I am. Whatever, oh well...I only have to go for 2 hours or so...and it might surprise me and turn out to be fun...if I can get this headache to go away.


At August 31, 2006 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, seems like we got a lot in common aside from being from Michigan, LOL!! I used to work at a restaurant too (Chili's) and we're both newlyweds and to top it off, I had a headache at work yesterday too that lingered until I went to bed LOL!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and congrats to you too for your recent wedding =]


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Drizzly day

posted by sometrouble @ 10:02 PM | Test Category Two | Monday, August 28, 2006

Spent a drizzly afternoon and evening snuggling with my hubby and kitty...and eating yummy Thai food. Perfection!

Anyway, here are some photos of Cato holding still...for once. After this, it was back to bouncing off the walls...then sleeping again...I hope he's not up all night again.
His stripedy underside.He's almost black from the top view.Big feet. (Cute brown toes!)He opened his eyes for me...then back to sleep.

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At August 29, 2006 12:30 AM, Blogger Allie said...

awww! he looks snuggly!

At August 29, 2006 7:46 PM, Blogger Liz said...

ohhhhhh kitty!!! *dissolves into gooey kitty-loving noises*

:D So kyoooooot!

At August 30, 2006 3:11 PM, Blogger Liz said...

ps. I like the layout tweaking

At August 31, 2006 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh what a sweet little kitty! I love the kitty paws!!!


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Kitten Named

posted by sometrouble @ 11:49 AM | Test Category Two |

His name is Cato. It fits him very well, and the hubby was quite agreable to it. We left him and our apartment in the care of my friend Renee while we were 2 hours away for a wedding Saturday and Sunday. She had a good time with him...except when he had a little accident and went pee on her in bed at 4 am. He is only about 6 weeks old, and does very well with his litter box...but sometimes he get confused about being in another room. If we leave the living room and go in the bedroom and he doesn't see us, he will cry until we call him then he will follow our voices. He seems like he is getting bigger already! Also, he has finally figured out how to play with the jingly ball I got him. Maybe I can get some photos of him while he is napping today.

We stopped by our new house on the way home last night. The previous owners still don't know when they are moving out yet...but they promised to let us know as soon as they hear their new house has been vacated. They are very much packed already. I haven't started packing anything yet. Oh boy, will that be loads of fun! Can't wait to move in anyway.

Oh, and Renee also found my Canon Powershot after like 5 minutes of looking. Yay! Renee!



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Kitten Update

posted by sometrouble @ 10:04 AM | Test Category Two | Thursday, August 24, 2006

The landlord/uncle said we could keep kitty in the apartment! But ONLY since we will be moving out sometime within 30 days. The kitten is so funny...he gets so wound up, then crashes out and falls asleep almost in the middle of tearing around the room. Last night he grew tired of sleeping in bed with us, and started biting at my fingers trying to get me to play. I was sleeping, and couldn't figure out what was going on. I tried to get him to settle down, but he wanted no part of it. The more I tried to pet and quiet him, the more he wanted to play with my hand. So I had to get up and take him to the kitchen. The funny thing is, when he is in the kitchen by himself with nothing to do, he just goes to sleep. I made him a little bed out of a box and an old bath towel (you can see it in one of the photos in the previous post). He does sleep in it...but he crawls under the towel. It is so cute and funny! The first time he did it, I was all worried because I couldn't find him. Then I saw the towel wiggle. He is so much fun!
We still need a name for him. A couple guys I work with were suggesting names yesterday...this is what we came up with...
1. TROGDOR (For this reason, if you are not already familiar)
2. CHAOS (Which sort of fits him right now...but I don't know...)
3. CATO (Pink Panther with Peter Sellers reference...my idea)
4. PINJA (Shortened for Pirate-Ninja)
5. QUARK (Just for nerdiness reasons)
6. ATOM (Same reason as above)
7. PLUTON (Because of pluto being demoted from planetary status)

Please give comments and suggestions.



At August 27, 2006 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about "snaps" or "snapshot" b/c of your photography habit. "Rugger" for Chad (after a gun)! Or get to know his personaility a bit more... and go from there. Pick what is easy to yell when they get into trouble!

At August 27, 2006 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops -- the Anon comment was from Jenelle!


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posted by sometrouble @ 11:44 AM | Test Category Two | Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We got one!!! I still have to convince hubby's uncle (our landlord) to say it is ok to keep him there for at the most a month...because we can't move into our new house until the previous owners move out.
My mom brought the kitten home from an antique store she was at yesterday. The owner of the shop had found the kitten wild and stray in his yard...and caught it, and is looking for a home for him now. He has a few siblings still in the yard...but the guy hasn't managed to catch any of the others yet. Well the guy said it would be ok for my mom to bring him home for the night so I could see him, since the store was closing. He said if it didn't work out, that he will take him back.
Once my mom got him home, she realized that he had fleas...so she didn't want him in her house. I bought flea shampoo, and brought it over and we bathed him twice. I think they are all gone...but if we keep him, I will treat him every two weeks according to the directions for at least a while. Then I brought him home to my apartment. Hubby was surprised to see him...but not mad. He is just worried about angering his uncle. He likes the kitten, but told me that I HAVE to talk to our landlord today...and if he says "no" the kitten has to go back.
I will have a really hard time if I have to give him back...I love him already! He is really attached to me, and follows me everywhere he even slept half the night curled up next to my shoulder.
Ok...I know you all want to see pictures...so here they are. The quality is pretty bad, because I took them with my cell phone and he doesn't hold still for very long. I will have to try to get better ones soon.

Name suggestions anyone???



At August 23, 2006 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo so cute!!
I hope it works out!

And I HAD a name suggestion...I thought of a name that would be perfect for a cat the other day but I forget...I'll tell you if I remember


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technical complaints

posted by sometrouble @ 2:07 PM | Test Category Two | Sunday, August 20, 2006

I've misplaced my Canon Powershot. I am so frustrated, I have looked everywhere I can think of. Our apartment isn't that big...it has to be somewhere. I just can't remember where I put it. I brought out the Nikon today, and took some photos of Harriet, the cat that Chad's uncle adopted from the neighbor across the street. We were thinking of taking her, but he wanted her now, so she is living downstairs since yesterday. She really is a nice cat, and rather cooperative with regard to the photos. I found that all three batteries I have for that camera were dead when I got it out, that was a bummer. Also, I can't find the AV cable that can connect it to a TV for viewing photos. That is probably still at my mom's house somewhere.

Also, I am really getting annoyed with my laptop's monitor settings. I can't get them right. Everything is so bright and there is not enough contrast to distinguish some light colors from the white. When I fiddle things around to where they seem right for viewing my blog...then photos look too dark. I have folders full of shots I want to edit...some of which I have promised to do for other people, but I can't because I know they won't look right when printed. Anyone have any good methods for setting brightness, contrast, and gamma? I tried a freeware program from Nikon, but I don't have buttons or knobs for manual adjustment, only software adjustment. I can't wait to get in the house so I can set up my desktop again. I miss that big old thing!



At August 22, 2006 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the name Harriet for a kitty.
It reminds me of a cat in the Cat Wings series that I used to read when I was little.

Did you ever read those books?

At August 22, 2006 3:54 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

I never read those books...actually never even heard of them...but I did read "Harriet the Spy" and that was my favorite book for a long time. :o)


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posted by sometrouble @ 12:56 PM | Test Category Two | Friday, August 18, 2006

We are homeowners!!! We closed on our new house this Wednesday! We are both so excited, and Chad is much more relaxed and happy now that the stress of that looming closing date and all the hassle beforehand with the paperwork is over. The sellers are really nice, and offered to leave us with some storage shelving they won't be needing as well as some shovels and rakes and other miscellaneous things. We are delighted! There is so much of that kind of stuff we will need! They are closing on their new house today, so we won't have a better idea of how long they will need to move out until after that. They promised to let us come through the house again whenever we need to for planning purposes or anything like that. Also, they said it would be fine to bring our parents out and just call them to set it up. Things happened so quickly when we first looked at the house, that we didn't take our parents to see it like we did with the others we made offers on. Then once things were rolling, we didn't get the chance either. But I did take lots of pictures to show them, as you've seen. Can't wait to move it!



At August 18, 2006 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you!
I can't wait to come out and visit you in your lovely new house!

At August 18, 2006 5:01 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

me too allie! Come see us at Christmastime!

At August 19, 2006 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! :)


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posted by sometrouble @ 4:35 PM | Test Category Two | Monday, August 14, 2006

Art of Owen Franken

Let me start this out by saying that I LOVE that my husband sometimes does the laundry. I also LOVE that he has at least some idea of what he is doing, and that everything doesn't come out pink. (I do like pink...but I don't want to be wearing pink socks everyday...thank you Honey!)

Now, let me tell you a story.

I come home from work on my lunch break today, feeling particularly all around yuck...and he (being the loving, caring man that he is) encourages me to go lie down and take a nap for 45 minutes. So I do. He wakes me up when I need to go back to work, and the following dialogue ensues:
Him: I'm going downstairs to check the laundry on the clothesline in the yard.

Me: Oh? What did you wash? (checking to make sure it wasn't red towels and white socks)

Him: All your panties.

Me: You hung my UNDERWEAR on the CLOTHESLINE??? (thoughts of the dirty peeping neighbor with my intimates flash through my head)

Him: Yea, why not? (as he exits the room)
Sure enough, I look out the window and there are several pairs of my unmentionables swaying in the breeze. Men just don't get it. If I figure out that any are missing...well, at least we'll be moving away soon.

The big deal is: the neighbor has given very intimate details about previous tenants' bedroom habits to our landlord...who happens to be my husband's uncle. He is all around just strange. Our yard is not fenced...and the clothesline is in clear view from the street. Anyone driving or walking by all morning got to see my undies. That just bugs me. I have just always dried underwear indoors. (mostly in the dryer) When I lived at my mom's I would occasionally put a bra on the line...but our backyard there was very private, most our neighbors were elderly women, and the line was over our deck not more than 10 feet from our usually open doorwall. Here...we have to go down the stairs, and out the front of the house and around to the back/side where the line is. Ah men. You can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.


At August 15, 2006 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, how funny and unfortunate!

Well...at least he is being helpful!

At August 15, 2006 10:09 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

yes, can't complain too much!

At August 16, 2006 2:02 PM, Blogger Liz said...

heh, that's kind of embarassing! I hope none is missing... that would be very creepy. But, at least he tried, you know?

At August 18, 2006 1:03 PM, Blogger Effie said...

Whenever we hung clothes up on the line and panties/bras were there, mom showed us a way to hang them underneath a towel or hidden between shirts, etc. Then my mom got a clothesline that was 4 lines wide and shorter and we just hung them on the inside lines


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SPF (Stuff Portrait Friday): The Title Company

posted by sometrouble @ 12:39 AM | Test Category Two | Friday, August 11, 2006

I decided to participate in Kristine's SPF this week!

Song Title: When you say nothing at all by Alison Krauss

This was the song my husband and I danced to as our first dance as a married couple.
It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don’t say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old mr. webster could never define
What’s being said between your heart and mine
Ok...maybe I broke the rules a little on this one...cause i didn't take the shot. The credit goes to Numine. She took this photo at our wedding in May this year. But it was the only thing I could find for this...and I really wanted to do this song! Hopefully Kristine won't get punish me with the ruler for this! :o)

Book Title: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

This photo was taken from Belle Isle in the Detroit River. The Detroit skyline is on the right, and Windsor, Ontario is on the left.

Movie Title: Batman

I took this little guy's picture when he was hanging around on my husband's uncle's kitchen cupboards. (Uncle owns the house we are living in...and lives downstairs himself.) It freaked him out, and he couldn't get the bat out...and thought my husband was home, so he came up asking for help. It was just me...and I stepped in to remove the bat single-handedly with a bath towel and some work gloves. I let him go outside in the backyard. It was really fun, cause Uncle was so impressed, and bragged about my capturing skills for quite a while! :o)

I had an idea I really wanted to do for the movie...but I couldn't get my husband's help for it. Then I came up with a bunch of ideas, and couldn't pick one. This was my first time playing...it was really fun! You should play next week!



At August 11, 2006 1:15 AM, Blogger Sheri & SuZan said...

Bwahahahaha the "Batman" got me. Very clever SPF!

I played.

At August 11, 2006 1:55 AM, Blogger Suzanne R said...

Great SPF! I love the bat story and picture, and your song title coverage is so sweet and romantic. Thanks for stopping by!

At August 11, 2006 2:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a lovely wedding picture....awww!

That bat is creeping me out.

good job for first time...it can be addictive.

I played.

At August 11, 2006 3:36 AM, Blogger san said...

Hello... happy SPF!

OMG... I can't believe it... I got married in May, too, and we picked out "When you say nothing at all" as well :) :) :)Congratulations!

At August 11, 2006 7:08 AM, Blogger hemlock said...

Wonderful pics! YOU ROCKED this SPF! Welcome!

The shot of you and your husband is absolutely beautiful. T minus 29 days for me... can't wait!

The bat shot is great too. You're such a trouper!

I played toO!

At August 11, 2006 7:47 AM, Blogger Army of Mom said...

I love the wedding pic and song. That is great.

And, I think I'd freak to find a bat in my house, too!!!

I played.

At August 11, 2006 7:57 AM, Blogger Vajana said...

oh that bat would have freaked me out too. You are pretty brave!

At August 11, 2006 8:02 AM, Blogger Irish Church Lady :) said...

Oh you played really well! The Tale of Two Cities is my favourite but they're all so good!

Happy SPF!

At August 11, 2006 8:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hubby and I *love* Alison Krauss and almost used that song as our wedding song too.
great spf!
I played

At August 11, 2006 8:38 AM, Blogger Jana said...

Very cool pictures! I would have totally freaked out about a bat in the house. Good for you!

I played!

At August 11, 2006 9:51 AM, Blogger Leska McCall said...

We have tons of bats here! Beautiful pics.

At August 11, 2006 10:29 AM, Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Oh I love the tale of two cities photo. Very cool!

I played!

At August 11, 2006 1:04 PM, Blogger Lee said...

bats are great...Alison Krauss is one of my favorites...we've seen her a couple of times and I love that song...perfect for your wedding!!!

At August 11, 2006 1:04 PM, Blogger Random and Odd said...

Beautiful! I'm glad that you posted the lyrics!!

At August 11, 2006 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the "Batman" one! Lovely wedding photo, too :-)

At August 11, 2006 2:59 PM, Blogger Kat said...

That is a great wedding shot! Love the bat story and picture! :) Oh and thanks for stopping by!

At August 11, 2006 3:23 PM, Blogger Jenni said...

Beautiful wedding shot. Happy SPF, and thanks for stopping by!

At August 11, 2006 4:14 PM, Blogger MommyOutOfControl said...

That Batman one is awesome! It was my first time playing also!

At August 11, 2006 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that song!

I played, too.

At August 11, 2006 4:25 PM, Blogger CameraDawktor said...

so you are an spf virgin ey? fun, isn't it. your wedding picture is awesome and i was so freaked out by the bat photo. that was really great!

i played too...

At August 11, 2006 5:29 PM, Blogger Uzz said...

I give you MUCH CREDIT for being that close to a bat! I remember seeing them once in awhile when I was a kid and being totally freaked out!

Good to have you onboard the old SPF train...I don't do it every week, but I try to as much as I can!

I did play this week, so come on by and check out my posts!

Have a great weekend!

At August 11, 2006 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sweet pic of you on your wedding day. :) thanks for stopping by!

At August 11, 2006 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That wedding photo is just gorgeous. You both look so happy.
I played

At August 11, 2006 11:26 PM, Blogger Candy said...

Wedding photo, beautiful...
Skyline, wonderful..

Bat.. not so much. I'm going to need drugs to get to sleep tonight... bats freak me out.
We played too, of course!

At August 12, 2006 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your wedding shot, so beautiful :)

Thank you for visiting me and Happy SPF

At August 12, 2006 4:42 PM, Blogger DB said...

Wow! I love the wedding shot. Especially since you related to When You Say Nothing at All. That's one of my favorites.

Anyway, great SPF. Excellent first time out!


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less is more...???

posted by sometrouble @ 5:05 PM | Test Category Two | Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I've been fiddling with the template again...tweaking colors. I switched the unvisited, visited, and active link colors around to make it most easily read. I think the light color serves better as an "active link" indicator, and the darker reddish color (which I changed slightly from the one I had before) is better for visited links, while the medium tone is used for all links unvisited...because it is easier on the eyes. I was much annoyed by that light color...I liked it, and it looked fine on my oh-so-fabulous billion year old monitor at work, but on my laptop with its bright screen, it was barely detectable from the white background.
This brings me to my next dilemma. Should I do anything to the background? I am not sure I like all my content sqooshed into the middle of the page...but it is nice to not have to scroll left and right in a less than full sized window. I just think there is too much vast white emptiness. I don't want to overdo anything though...and I am committed to keeping it readable.
One more question: Do you think the gray looks horrible with the color scheme inspired by the banner picture? The gray was incorporated into the previous theme...and for simplicity (and a lack of patience) I didn't remove it. I'm thinking it might be too much of a "cool" color for the warm peachy tones?


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steal some covers share some skin

posted by sometrouble @ 11:52 AM | Test Category Two | Sunday, August 06, 2006

Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends

Early morning waking up with someone you love is heaven.
I think I've found my "wedded bliss"!

Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning



At August 07, 2006 2:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At August 07, 2006 1:30 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

:o) indeed!


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you learn so much...

posted by sometrouble @ 1:13 PM | Test Category Two | Friday, August 04, 2006

...about the people who visit your site and why they do. I love my sitemeter! Since I wrote the last post about birth control, I have had a big jump in visits...and I got my first (and a bunch) of hits from search engines. Apparently this is a hot topic people want to know about. I guess my post seemed relevant enough to merit a spot in the search results...and interested them enough to check it out. It is so cool to know people are reading what you write. Although, I would still write even if no-one read. It would just be lonelier. I don't write for others, I write for me...that's why I don't care if my grammar is perfect, or if I use a few too many "...". I do try to keep it legible and spelled correctly.

Some of the searches I came up in the results for were:
-"weight gain during pregnancy"
-"woman mood swings"
-"pregnant libido"
-"weeks pregnant"
-"trinessa recall"
And in the same day, I got one hit from a search for "zooanthids won't open". Today someone stumbled across me when they were looking for "shine on you crazy diamond video myspace". I have always loved mysteries...and site meter data really intrigues me.


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a warning for the ladies

posted by sometrouble @ 4:41 PM | Test Category Two | Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Disclaimer: The following LENGTHY (sorry) post relates to oral contraceptives and will probably only interest female readers. Male readers feel free to read...just consider yourself warned. (although, I'm not even sure that I HAVE any male readers.)

For anyone who is taking a pill called TriNessa, I believe you should seriously rethink it. I recently found several pieces of information relating to this drug that alarmed me. TriNessa is one of the generic "equivalents" of Ortho Tri-Cyclen. I put that in quotes, because I can't seem to get an explanation of what that word "equivalent" means. I always believed that generics were exactly the same as the brand name drug (and that they had to be in order to be a valid substitution). But after reading many patients' comments on www.askapatient.com regarding being switched to TriNessa, I wonder if that is actually true.

Basically, many many women claimed that they had either none or very minor side effects when they were on Ortho Tri-Cyclen (OTC) and for whatever reason were switched to TriNessa. They report many horrible and suddenly occurring side effects. Some of the side effects the women report are:
mood swings, weight gain, "severe and constant back pain and/or crushing chest pains," depression, lack of energy, loss of libido, acne breakouts, night sweats, allergic reactions not experienced with the brand name, cramps, hot flashes, dizziness, migraines, major fatigue, and muscle weakness.
I know these are common side effects listed for many birth control pills, but these women reported having none of these symptoms when on the brand name "equivalent."

Samples of the accounts listed on the site:
I, like many of the others on here, was taking OTC when I was switched to Trinessa. After taking OTC for severeal years, my cycle was normal, and I was usually very even-tempered. After taking Trinessa I feel my life and body are out of balance. The mood swings I have experianced are unbeliveable, and my libido has all but disappeared. Trinessa is ruining my marriage and my social life.
One woman writes in:
I talked to my Doctor, who specializes in internal medicine, and she said that the generic form is not EXACTLY the same. She said that they are the same drug but have a different make-up.
Another says:
Generic forms are not the same. Do not take Tri-Sprintec. I have a rash, haven't slept much in days and I have pimples for the the first time in years. I am waiting for the pharmacy to open so that I can switch back to Ortho Tri-Cyclen.
Yet another reports asking her doctor:
I had major fatigue and muscle weakness and sometimes had chest pains as well. I talked to my Doctor and she said to take the brand name only when it comes to hormones.
You can read the LONG page of complaint after complaint related to Trinessa versus Ortho Tri-Cyclen. But here's the real kicker...

TriNessa was RECALLED in February of this year. The recall record and reason came out on the Food and Drug Administration's website about a month later. See it here (scroll about 1/3 of the way down the page to find TriNessa)
Subpotent: The active Norgestimate component of TriNessa tablets fails stability assay.
I can't explain the method they use for their stability assay...but as a scientist, I can tell you that is a big deal. Apparently they thought so too...because they recalled 1,383,709 six packs of the stuff. If you take TriNessa, and especially if you order through prescription mail order where you get several packs in advance, you should compare your lot numbers and expiration dates with those on the report. www.askdocweb.com explains with regard to the "stability assay"
What that means for you is that the hormone levels were not high enough and some women have become pregnant on it...Some lots had hormone levels that were not at their expected potency levels (not strong enough to prevent pregnancy). The affected lots have been pulled off the shelf and replacement product is now back in stock.
In addition...doing a small search, I uncovered the following women posting in a forum on www.aphroditewomenshealth.com:
Hello everyone. I switched from Ortho TriCyclen to Trinessa in early February and was never informed of a recall by my pharmacist or my doctor. I wasn't even told in March when I refilled the script. When I finally found out about the recall (in April), I noticed that I had gotten a batch from the recall list in March and I'm assuming in Feb. I threw out the empty Feb case not knowing anything. Well, I'm pregnant now (about 11 weeks) and, although I am very happy, Im upset at the way this whole thing happened! I believe my Pharmacy is to blame. Am I wrong? Does anyone know if I can take legal actions here? Please let me know if you can. Thank you.

I also was on the pill trinessa. On 2/10/06 I recieved a phone call that the pill was recalled. I found out i was expecting 1 week prior to the phone call. I contacted Watson diretly and they said that the pill was recalled b/c the hormone levels in certain lots were lower than stated on the package. If you call their 1800 number they will answer any questions that you may have.

I am very upset i went to refill my pack and they told me it was recalled, when i found out, i went to the doctor and i found out i was prego i need help and i want to know what can i do about it!!!!

So many getting pregnant on TriNessa- I was taking it and got pregnant and was taking my pills are the correct times etc. I am looking into a class action suit. I have high risk pregnancies and wasn't planning on more children.
I also found this one report from November of 2004, well before the recall on www.experts.about.com.
I am married, 31 YRS old and have 2 kids. The first day of my last period is irrelevant at this time. I am pregnant. In March or April of this year I switched BC pills from ORTHO TRICYCLEN to TRINESSA which is the generic brand and cheaper brand. I am now 21 weeks pregnant and so far during this 21 weeks I have learned of 4 other women who got pregnant on this pill. I know for sure 4 of us were not on any antibiotics (which could lessen the effect of the pill working). 4 of us were also done having children and were faithful to taking the pill everyday at the same time-none being skipped. My question is, has anyone else experienced getting pregnant on this pill?? I live in a city of 50,000 people and this is 5 women in a 20 mile radius. Anyone else have this happen on this pill??

The expert answers:
I am unfamiliar with a pill called "Trinessa". You always have to be careful when using generic medication. Your best bet is to write to the manufacturer and see if there are any reports of failure rates with that medication. If you get no satisfaction from the manufacturer, I would write to the FDA and lodge a formal complaint.
I had decided to switch and pay the $20 copay for OTC versus the $10 copay for generic. My doctor had written the prescription for OTC, but my pharmacy had just substituted the generic. This is another thing to watch out for. Many pharmacies will substitue unless the doctor writes DAW meaning "dispense as written" or unless the patient requests the brand name. The problem is...when I requested the brand name, they told me it would be $40. The $20 copay only applies to brand name medicines if the doctor specifically calls for brand name only, or if there is no generic equivalent. If the patient requests that they be given the ACTUAL medication they were prescribed, then they have to pay whatever the insurance company won't cover, in my case the insurance was going to cover $15.

It is still up for debate whether generics are the same as brand names or not, I have formed my opinion leaning towards them not being. Even if they are composed of the same things, there is a reason they are provided cheaper...and with medication I am counting on to keep me baby-free, I don't know if I trust a "cheap" manufacturer with a history of not putting in enough hormones to make the stuff work! I just think it is ridiculous that a pharmacy can substitute without your permission...and many times, without even telling you, something as important as medication. Then, if you want to do something about it, and GET WHAT YOU WERE PRESCRIBED, they smilingly tell you that it will cost you more. "Unless the doctor says so"...well didn't the doctor write the freaking prescription on purpose a certain way in the fist place?!?!?!

I was fuming after I wasted my entire lunch break standing at the drug store trying to sort out what I thought was a case of the insurance not covering me for who-knows-what reason. What are your thoughts on the whole generic versus brand name drug thing? Think they're the same or not? Let me just say that outside of prescription drugs like these, I could care less whether most things were brand name or store brand. But I'm not messing around with Trinessa anymore.


At August 02, 2006 10:51 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Justin's in nursing school and he'll give you his educated opinion in a few minutes (I told him to read your post).

Speaking from experience, I have been on Cryselle, which is the generic of Lo-Ovral, a lo-dose oral contraceptive, for four years. I was originally on Ortho-Cyclen and switched to Depo-Provera (the shot) after OC killed my libido. Depo-Provera was FAR too high a dose of progesterone for my system to handle and I subsequently became menopausal (hot flashes, no periods, sleep problems, EXTREME depression) for three months. It was after this that I switched to Lo-Ovral.

Initially, I believe I was on the brand name pill. At some point they started giving me the generic. I never noticed a difference and my results have been superb. I have no complaints about Cryselle or its effects on my system although I do, on occasion, wonder what it'd be like to have a hormone-free sex life. As my last pack expires (I know this term means nothing really) in August, I'm going to talk to my doctor about ParaGard, the hormone-free copper IUD.

At August 02, 2006 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrapping up pharmacology class this quarter...good times. But on to the discussion.

Here's how the drug system works. A company (Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals in the case of Ortho-tricyclen) invests a large amount of money and time developing a drug, testing the drug in clinical trials and then marketing the drug. Once the drug is approved it goes to the official naming agency that names all new drugs and the drug is named, in this case, the name is actually "norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol", that's the generic and official name. The company then is awarded their patent, and they can call the drug whatever they want for the purpose of marketing, it's usual catchy...Ortho Tri-cyclen...Viagra...Lipitor. They get exclusive rights for a while and after that, anyone else who can synthesize the drug can market it under whatever name they choose, again, that's their trade name...in this case, Trinessa.

Is it possible for a generic drug to be different from a brand name? Technically no. Just as one molecule of water, however it's made, is indistinguishable from another molecule of water, one molecule of norgestimate is the exact same as any other. Technically they're using a specific type and isomer, but both drugs call out the exact same isomer on their prescription sheet, it's impossible for the two chemicals to be different. Just as two molecules of gold can't be different.

Is it possible that a manufacturer cuts corners and they're synthesis/manufacturing is sloppy so that they're not actually making the chemical? Yeah...in theory, and that may have been the reason for the recall. Someone may have noticed the problems and when they checked their reactors they noticed they were running 2 degrees hot which might not result in the proper yield, so the pills wouldn't actually have the right chemical concentration in them. It's not possible to have two identical chemicals that have different stabilities, so if they recalled, they probably were screwing up their synthesis and not producing proper yield.

But the very definition of a generic drug is that it MUST be identical to the actual drug. Looking over these two drugs (in this case) on their respective manufacturing specs shows the chemical make up is exactly the same, all the way down to the dye used in the inert pills. So from an industry standpoint, a Dr. who tells you a generic is different from a brand name doesn't understand their pharmacology or how the FDA works. Is it possible that someone is cutting corners in the manufacturing process? Sure. But the reduced cost of the generic isn't because of cut costs, it's because they never had to pay R&D, clinical trials, marketing, etc. They don't have to recoup those costs (which are massive), so they can charge much less. They don't need to do that research, because someone else already figured out that 18,19-Dinor-17-pregn-4-en-20-yn-3 one, 17-(acetyloxy)-13-ethyl-,oxime,(17a)-(+)-) works as a birth control, and that person had to document a synthesis for it, and following that synthesis yields the chemical. Voila.

At August 02, 2006 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. Identical chemical also includes the same amount. So both blue pills contain .250mg of norgestimate, etc.

Again, I can't speak to manufacturing techniques, but officially they cannot make a generic any different from a brand name, that's illegal and if they have a situation where that's the case, they have to recall and show that they are producing an equivalent drug.

At August 03, 2006 10:07 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

numine: I was taking ortho tricyclen lo first...and it was not giving me too many mood affecting side effects, however the dose of ethinyl estradiol (0.025 mg) was too low for me, and I had breakthrough bleeding for three months. That was when i switched to TriNessa. I had been on ortho tricyclen regular before, and it made me nauseated frequently. But the TriNessa seemed ok for the first month. My mom used to take Ortho-Novum 7/7/7, and she seemed clueless when I was mentioning side effects such as depression, nausea, anxiety, loss of libido, etc. She claimed she had NO adverse effects when she was taking it. I am a little too chicken to try Depo, a friend of mine was thinking of using the Mirena IUC.

Thanks for the explanation, it was really interesting. I had always thought the drugs had to be the same, and I did print out the full prescriber information and compare, and all seemed the same. I see what you mean about the cutting corners factor...but that would not produce a product that has been working properly but producing vastly different side effects to it's brand name counterpart. It would, like you said, not produce the same molecule and therefore need to be recalled. I just don't know if I trust a pill made by a company that had to recall that much of their product...I know it could happen at the brand name lab too...but until it does, they hold slightly more of my trust. Like I said, I saw none of those horrible side effects reported to be associated with TriNessa and not with Tri-cyclen, but I only took triness for a month. I guess I will compare it to next month on tri-cyclen.

At August 03, 2006 10:12 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

p.s. to Justin... YAY! I have at least one male reader...even if it's just for the most "estrogen containing" post! LOL!

At August 03, 2006 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider this possibility:
You run your reactor a bit hot because someone isn't checking the gauges regularly and as a result you end up with a fine white powder at the end which looks like what you expect. You make it into pills and ship them out. The probem is that by running the reactor too hot you got 90% of your desired product (18,19-Dinor-17) and 10% of an undesired side reaction product (say 16,19-Dinor-17). I saw this sort of problem all the time while working with polymers in my Masters program. You'd run a synthesis and instead of getting a clear green polymer it was sort of opaque. Did I follow directions? Yeah, but if you don't control the reaction just right these complicated synthesis will run side reactions, it's incredibly hard to control (and the challenge in creating a large scale industrial synthesis).

I would not be surprised to find out that someone didn't read the gauge every hour like they were supposed to...or some operator with a 9th grade education didn't think that 454 degrees Kelvin was far enough off 456 degrees Kelvin to mention it to his supervisor. Little errors like that could easily yield side products, and it's likely those side products that would cause your adverse reactions.

But how could the drug still work and yet yield different side effects you ask? Scenario: With the side reactions you end up with .230 mg (instead of .25 mg) of your drug and .02 mg of side product. Well maybe it turns out that .2 mg of drug is plenty to suppress ovulation, so the drug stil works...you just have .02 mg of side product on board which may or may not have any noticable effects. Not as uncommon as you might think. The research on aspirin preventing heart attacks used 100 mg doses and got great results. But aspirin is commercially available in 82mg and 325mg tablets...oops. So 82mg is too little, so in the hospital we tend to give 325mg to make sure we're at the therapeutic threshold (325mg is still well below toxicity). So imagine that the aspirin we're buying got mucked up in the reactor and only has 300mg of aspirin and 25mg of side product. We'd still get the desirable drug effect, because we're well over the therapeutic dose of 100mg, but we might get side effects we haven't seen before because of those 25mg of side products.

Side products happen all the time in the industry, it's just that in most cases they're in small enough amounts (or completely inert) that it really doesn't matter. When they say a pill has .250mg of drug, what that really means is that a statistical analysis of any given pill will yield an amount of drug that is statistically equal to .250mg allowing for margin of error. But with most drugs we have what's called a ED50, the dose that is effective in 50% of those who receive the drug. So drug formulations are based strictly on statistics. .250mg is probably way more than a lot of people need (statistically speaking most people probably need something like .2mg) but the extra .05mg is added to take care of the outliers, those people who would not be amongst the 50% who respond to the ED50. So if we lose some product, most people are still covered, except unlucky patient #98. And everyone may end up with side effects...even if they're not pregnant.

At December 18, 2006 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started out on Ortho Tri-Cyclen, and had terrible mood swings. I kept taking it for about eight months, before asking the doctor if there was anything we could do. She switched me to Tri-Nessa, and the change was literally immediate. I was no longer screaming at my husband and crying all the time... I guess everyone is different, but I was far far worse on the supposed "good stuff"

At July 24, 2007 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone had seizures after taking this birthcontrol? My 18yr daughter started Trinessa and within three weeks (April 07), had a seizure. She didn't stop the bc, but just had another seizure three months later. After that one she stopped Trinessa. Now we have to go through all kinds of tests for seizures.

At August 04, 2007 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am 21 years of age and have never taken birth control. I am sexually active with my boyfriend, I've always had nice clear skin for the most part--maybe a pimple or two a month but my periods are out of this world! They are extremely heavy for 4 days and then light for 3 and then I spot for 3 more days. I started taking Trinessa 2 weeks ago when I had my period. I havent stopped bleeding but for the last 7 days its just heavy spotting, enough to annoy the heck out of ya! My face isnt breaking out but my 1-2 pimples are more like 4-6. All day and night for the last 24 hours I have read so many negative stories about the BC and very few of them with ladies stating of no major problems. After reading so many stories im so scared to continue taking Trinessa. And I know that every woman's body is unique so you have to find the best BC for you but I'm worried that Trinessa isnt the best, especially since ive had my period for the last 15 days. Also, im worried I started Trinessa wrong. I read in the instructions you could take it 2 ways. 1 way is to take it the Sunday after you start your period. The 2nd is that you can take it the first day of your period. Because I was so excited about taking a BC to help tame my wild periods I took it the first day of my period. Did I do something wrong? Someone educate me please :(

At February 11, 2008 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so glad i found this website and read justin's posts. he needs to post his educated opinion more places. i hope that people take their medications seriously enough to print out lists of the ingredients in both the generic and brand-name drugs and compare them with a highlighter. they are identical, and though batches may vary, there is no way to account for the exaggerated symptomology "women" have posted on the consumer websites (perhaps the drug companies have a hand in this?)

p.s. i first took ortho and then started trinessa five years ago and have been fine. i admit that the recalls are scary. maybe now they will pay better attention.

At July 26, 2009 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started tri-nessa about 2 months ago after not being on any BC, because I am getting married in 2 weeks. So far in 2 months I have experienced:
Cyclical mood swings, I get so MEAN. My fiance is NOT amused. I kept telling him just give it a few months, you are overreacting, it's just wedding stress, but I think maybe the moods are way more severe than I realize and he sees it for what it is.
Bleeding. DAILY. I go through about 3 panti-liners a day. It's not heavy, but it's thick. Gross.
The tri-nessa has also corresponded with breakouts along the jawline (I was blaming the humidity, hmmmm glad I read online that many other women experienced breakouts). I had previously had adult acne, then found the right skin care products and 100% cleared up my skin, and then bam, acne.
I'm not taking this pill anymore. Hopefully my skin will clear up before the wedding, and hopefully we won't get pregnant right away...

At January 30, 2010 11:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

my friend was just admitted to the hospital with a pulminary embolizism -- she has a blood clot in the lung--- they say she now has to take coumadin for how long i don't know but this is a scare i am looking to see if there is a civil lawsuit going on any where if someone knows about one write me back at nativespirit28@yahoo.com thank you all-

At April 23, 2011 9:53 AM, Blogger blueeyezusa said...

HI- I was 37 years old when I suffered a blood clot (length of my leg) after only taking Trinessa for a week. The blood clot broke and went into my lung shortly after being admitted into the hospital!Very scary and I am very lucky!I was on Trinessa to regulate heavy periods. Non-smoker-walked 2 times a day and was/is in great shape.I was put on coumadin after the clots and had to be checked weekly to monitor my INR-which was very hard to stabilize!If anyone has information about pending lawsuits-legal action.. please contact me-blueeyezusa@yahoo.com
My ordeal happened in June 2006-at the time I searched and searched and couldn't find any information of other people suffering from clots.I am glad I find this site!

At December 14, 2012 7:55 PM, Blogger isabel91 said...

Hi I'm a 21 yr old and I have been taking trinessa bc for 1 yr 6months after I had my baby. I have been reading all of the comments of the side effects this birth control has caused. I recently suffered 3 seizures in a couple of hrs. I don't have a history nor does my family has a history of seizures. I had lots of test in the hospital but they were all normal. My doctors are still shocked on why I had the seizures. I was told by my doctor to stop taking trinessa because maybe that could have beenthe cause of my seizures. Now I can't drive for 6 months and I have to keep taking medication also from that I resulted to have migrane. I would love to talk to someone who has gone thru this because I'm lost and I don't know what to do?

At December 14, 2012 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After being on it for 1.5 years and it suddenly happening three times lately in a row, why would they jump to that being the reason? I realize it could be anything, but why would it take so long if it was the TriNessa?

At November 20, 2018 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter has been taking TriNessa since July 2018, October 2018 she is pregnant - she never missed a pill and took them as directed - I am so upset !


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posted by sometrouble @ 9:11 AM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Well, the Southern Living at Home Party went really well! I was kind of bummed out thursday night, because I was about $45 short in orders to getting anything free. However, I got six more people's orders yesterday, and closed the party. I ended up getting $250 worth of stuff free!!! This month was "double hostess rewards" month. So instead of getting 15% of my total sales free, I got 30%...then I also got four items for half off. Plus I bought the two hostess specials they had...which were each 60% off the original price.

I know it is confusing...but stay with me here. So, all the stuff i got, is worth $452.40 if I had bought it straight out (before 6% sales tax or shipping). Yikes, the hubby would have killed me! I do have to pay the sales tax on everything, but at least the tax on the half off items is based on the sale price. I do not have to pay any shipping. So, I will be getting 13 wonderful items for my new house and to give away as gifts...for less that a quarter of the cost!!! I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! I can't wait for it all to arrive! Thank you everybody who placed orders...I am sure you will love your stuff! I also have to thank my mom for her major help getting me to decide what I should order!

If anyone is considering having one of these parties...I really encourage you to. I didn't think I would like doing it, but I had so much fun!


At August 02, 2006 10:52 PM, Blogger Kat said...

I went to one of those types of parties once... except it was for naughty things.


At August 03, 2006 10:09 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

hehe, I went to a "wicks and dicks" party once too. (they also had candles) I went with Chad's mother...a few years before we were married...it was a bit strange and awkward. Ok, A LOT strange and awkward!


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