Kitten Update

posted by sometrouble @ 10:04 AM | Test Category Two | Thursday, August 24, 2006

The landlord/uncle said we could keep kitty in the apartment! But ONLY since we will be moving out sometime within 30 days. The kitten is so funny...he gets so wound up, then crashes out and falls asleep almost in the middle of tearing around the room. Last night he grew tired of sleeping in bed with us, and started biting at my fingers trying to get me to play. I was sleeping, and couldn't figure out what was going on. I tried to get him to settle down, but he wanted no part of it. The more I tried to pet and quiet him, the more he wanted to play with my hand. So I had to get up and take him to the kitchen. The funny thing is, when he is in the kitchen by himself with nothing to do, he just goes to sleep. I made him a little bed out of a box and an old bath towel (you can see it in one of the photos in the previous post). He does sleep in it...but he crawls under the towel. It is so cute and funny! The first time he did it, I was all worried because I couldn't find him. Then I saw the towel wiggle. He is so much fun!
We still need a name for him. A couple guys I work with were suggesting names yesterday...this is what we came up with...
1. TROGDOR (For this reason, if you are not already familiar)
2. CHAOS (Which sort of fits him right now...but I don't know...)
3. CATO (Pink Panther with Peter Sellers idea)
4. PINJA (Shortened for Pirate-Ninja)
5. QUARK (Just for nerdiness reasons)
6. ATOM (Same reason as above)
7. PLUTON (Because of pluto being demoted from planetary status)

Please give comments and suggestions.



At August 27, 2006 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about "snaps" or "snapshot" b/c of your photography habit. "Rugger" for Chad (after a gun)! Or get to know his personaility a bit more... and go from there. Pick what is easy to yell when they get into trouble!

At August 27, 2006 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops -- the Anon comment was from Jenelle!


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