this is how it works

posted by sometrouble @ 10:20 AM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I am in love with Regina Spektor's voice! And her lyrics! And her music! You can listen to parts of all her songs on her site. It loads fast...under "music". I first heard her song "fidelity" on Grey's Anatomy. I didn't know it was her...and had never heard of her. But I searched the internet for what the song was. Then I listened on her site. Then I ordered the CD "Begin to Hope" from I've listened to it 4 or 5 times in the last two days. Her songs really make sense in a non-sensical lyric kind of way. And her rhythm rocks!

From one of her songs, "On the Radio":
This is how it works
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath

No, this is how it works
You peer inside yourself
You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into some
Someone else's heart
Pumping someone else's blood
And walking arm in arm
You hope it don't get harmed
But even if it does
You'll just do it all again
The first section makes life seem so simple. Throw love in...and it all works differently. Life is so much simpler without loving someone...but I wouldn't trade what I've got for simplicity. I love the complicated life he gives me.

In typical Me fashion (with the procrastination and tardiness), this is my Valentine's Day post...better late than never, right?


At March 01, 2007 4:08 PM, Blogger Liz said...

I love her too... I love "Sweetest Downfall". Such a cool song!


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On cooking

posted by sometrouble @ 1:07 PM | Test Category Two | Monday, February 26, 2007

I like cooking shows. I don't know why...but I really like watching these chefs create delicious looking dishes which I would love to taste...but know I will probably never make. They all call for ingredients that I will never find at a regular grocery store...or too many fresh herbs that come in a big bunch when the recipe only calls for a 1/4 cup or less. I love to watch as they transform a tabletop full of little bowls filled with various things into a masterpiece. Sometimes I can almost smell the food.

I don't have cable TV, so I have to get my food fix from the cooking segments on the news or the morning shows. I have the same love for magazine recipes...especially if they have beautiful photos. I used to tear out recipes (even when still living with my mom, and not doing much of the cooking) because they sounded so good, and I wanted to try them. I also was printing recipes from the food network's website like crazy. Then I would never make them. I don't allow myself to do that anymore. If I'm not planning to make it within the week, I won't tear it out or print it off. Baby steps.

Those chefs on TV are such careful cooks. They do everything perfectly. They have mastered their stoves, and never mess anything up. And they are doing it under the pressure of TV, and usually with the dish in 3 or 4 stages of preparedness all at once!

I am an impatient cook. Subconsciously, somehow I always end up with the stove too hot, and things don't turn out right. My omelets are brown on the bottom and runny on top. My grilled cheese is toasted on the outside...and the cheese is not melted. My cookies always seem to be doughy one second...and then when I pull them out, they get hard. The problem is the worst with anything sauteed or pan fried. I can't master the temperature.

If I lowered the heat it would probably lower my stress too. Because the chicken is cooking too fast...and turning brown...cause I can't stir it constantly...because I'm trying to get the veggies ready to go in the pan before the chicken is done. I can't get everything to come out evenly either. I REALLY try...but my main dish will be ready while the potatoes still have 7 minutes.

I know my husband doesn't really mind...he usually loves what I cook him. But I am tired of feeling badly about serving him sticky pasta, or mushy broccoli, or overdone pancakes. I need to know the secrets!

My grandmother is an excellent cook. I like cooking and I love delicious food. I think I just need practice. She has promised to give me some cooking lessons when she returns from Florida. I am excited! I want to succeed at this...the artist in me wants to create...and I want to learn to be as talented as she is. I am really just looking forward to spending some extra time with her, learning the art and science she has been practicing and perfecting for over a half a century!


At February 26, 2007 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay cooking! I definitely recommend spending some quality time with someone who does know how to cook well. My husband taught me the basics of cooking and how to be a confident co-dinner maker that I am today. He taught me the basics, provided pointers, and made himself available during those moments of second guessing. It really helps to learn and practice with someone. I have a lot more confidence behind those creative ideas when cooking nowadays!

You're right; cooking is expressive and delicious! With a little practice and some time with your Chef Grandma, I'm sure you'll feel more confident in your cooking in good time.

Something that really helped me to know in the beginning is that most things that you cook are forgivable and can be saved. There are a few exceptions (rice, bread, baked goods) in which the directions should be followed closely. But everything else is just an empty canvas just waiting to be delicious!

At February 26, 2007 10:21 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

thanks rachel! Yeah, tonights pork chop dinner was a 1 call to my mom before hand, and a 1 call to my grandma midway through. It turned out very well though...and I didn't overcook the green beans, YAY!

At February 27, 2007 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this doesn't relate to your post except, well, there's cake! but i was poking through your wedding photos. pretty dress! whoooa tongue kissing at the altar! who cares what's traditional, but is that traditional? also the bridesmaids getting in on the garter action? sounds like a very sexed-up reception.

At February 27, 2007 10:36 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

lol...well technically he wasn't tongue kissing me during the ceremony...that was after while we were taking photos. You missed the bridesmaids feeling me up in the limo and my husband with a dollar (i think or maybe a $20) in his teeth.


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Soup Day

posted by sometrouble @ 6:05 PM | Test Category Two | Sunday, February 25, 2007

Some days just REQUIRE soup. Today is one of those days. We are in the middle of a lovely "winter storm advisory"...and we have been getting freezing rain on and off all day. Tonight they are forcasting snow.

I am sitting here happily wasting time on the internet and eating some delicious clam chowder.

I want to write a big post about something that is really bothering me, but I'm not feeling in the mood right now. So it will have to wait.

Happy Sunday evening, everyone!


At February 25, 2007 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soup days are the best. As long as someone else makes the soup for me ;-)

At February 26, 2007 1:15 AM, Blogger Allie said...

I agree. Great weather for a hot bowl of soup to warm you right down to the bone.


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It's 3 AM...

posted by sometrouble @ 2:45 AM | Test Category Two | Wednesday, February 21, 2007

...I must be lonely.'s 2:40 and I'm tired and awake, but close enough. I can't sleep. Some nights it just doesn't work for me. The sheets feel too crisp. My nose is stuffed up. It's too dry in here. My husband is hogging the bed. He is weighing down his side of the bed, making our old mattress slant, and making me roll to the middle. Then, at any spot where I'm touching him, within minutes he starts to sweat making me stick to his skin. My pillows are too hard and too high. My back is itchy from dry skin. My stomach is itchy too. I wish I could breathe through my nose. My lips are chapped. The cat is giving himself a bath by my feet and shaking the bed. What was that creepy noise? Why aren't I tired? I am tired...why can't I sleep? I can't get comfortable...I can't relax...and I can't get my brain to shut down.


At February 21, 2007 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the saaaame way sometimes. It sucks.


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Kids just get it

posted by sometrouble @ 12:57 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We had some friends over last night for dinner and games. They have three little girls. I love their girls, they are so sweet. The girls chased the cat around, watched the fish, played with some of Chad's old trucks, and raced quads on PlayStation. Then their three year old asked me to watch a movie. We have a few kids movies...but not many. The choices were: "Monsters Inc.", "Cars", and "The Little Mermaid". She insisted she wanted to watch "The Sword in the Stone". I told her I didn't have it and talked her into watching "Monsters Inc." instead. Then, while I was putting the movie in, she asked me again for "Sword in the Stone"...and the dialogue went like this:
Me: I don't have that movie.
Her: Why not?
Me: Because I don't have very many movies for kids.
Her: Why?
Me: Because I don't have any kids yet.
Her: Why?
Me: Because I have Chad instead.
Her: OH!
That answer not only satisfied her...but it seemed to make perfect sense to her now why I didn't have any kids. I love kids! Can't wait to have my own...all in time though.


At February 20, 2007 1:13 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Hahaha, great answer! ;o)

Kids are just too cute!


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Bored again

posted by sometrouble @ 12:16 PM | Test Category Two | Saturday, February 17, 2007

Another day, I'm alone. Chad's been working a ton of overtime lately...which is good for the money. But I miss him. He's got Sunday and Monday off...but he just accepted overtime on midnight shift for Sunday night. Oh well. It's just bumming me out more because I am sick. I have a cold, and my sinuses are plotting a mutiny, I think. The last few days I have felt really crappy...hardly did anything...making some spaghetti on Thursday made me break out in a sweat and feel very weak. I am feeling a bit better today...and a little tired of staying in the house. I think I might go do some shopping. Getting out should make me feel better...and fun shopping will definitely make me feel better...I just have to try not to spend too much money.

My desktop computer is having issues. I got up yesterday to find it turned off...which is strange because I rarely shut it down, and I didn't remember doing it. I tried to start it up, and I got a message telling me the CPU fan was not running and asking me if i wanted to shut down, it was accompanied by an awful beeping. I have to go and see about getting a new fan and replacing it.

I want to go find some yarn for some fun knitting projects I want to tackle. I finished the Booga Bag I was making...and I felted it once. It shrunk a lot. I think I might felt it one more time to see what happens. I will post some pictures later. (they are on the desktop computer) I am working on a way bigger one now. Hopefully it works out for what I want it for.

I also haven't been to Target in so long. I feel the need to go there, and shop for some sweaters...

Ok, that's what I'm going to do...go out and go shopping! Anyone want to come with me?


At February 18, 2007 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, i know that's totally not what you were going for but that post was like something out of the 50s: "my man's not around, woe is me, i'm gonna go spend some money and get all cute to make myself feel better." =-) not that we all don't have times like that when we're feeling vulnerable / lonely and use a particular vice to get through it.


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snow day

posted by sometrouble @ 6:18 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The snow is falling, and I am sitting here drinking a caramel latte and eating a big chocolate chip cookie from Caribou Coffee. I changed out of my business attire from this morning's interview, and put on some snuggly fleece pants. I am just waiting for the laundry to finish, then I have to drive down to my mom's house. I am spending the night there so I can drive her to the airport at 5 AM tomorrow morning. She is off to Florida. No fair.

Caribou's chocolate chip cookies are awesome. I have noticed this before about them...and I don't think it is intentional...but they seem to have a hint of orangy flavor. It makes them really differently yummy. I think it may be because they sit in the bakery case all day next to the orange muffins or the lemon poppyseed cake. I want to try to make my own version of chocolate chip cookies with a hint of orange zest. Maybe I will work on that later this week.

Chad and I went up north to the lake cottage. It was nice to get away for the weekend. We got tired of sitting around and staring at each other, so we decided to go for a drive to Manistee to see what Lake Michigan looked like in 10 degree weather. This is what we found:
Because the lake is constantly moving as it freezes, it gets these big mounds of ice. No smooth skating surfaces on Great Lakes.
The whole surface was also covered in these smaller ice balls. I imagine this is also because of the turbulent nature of the water. They are very slippery, and hard to walk on. I fell once, right on my bottom...luckily I didn't bang the camera because it was hanging around my neck.

Most of the mounds just have drop offs like this on the side furthest from the beach. Not too much further out, the lake was still very much not frozen.Beach grass...through the snow.
Ok...I'm off to my mom's to have "Thai Food Tuesday" and watch Gilmore Girls with my mom and Kristen. Ick...I don't want to drive in the snow. Blah.


At February 13, 2007 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooo great photos of a frozen Michigan!

At February 14, 2007 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures are gorgeous! :)

Hope all is well!

At February 14, 2007 1:00 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Ooo, that snow kind of looks fun!
But we have already had our fill of snow here and I am enjoying the early spring weather. I hear we may have one more storm coming up though...

stay warm!

At February 14, 2007 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FINALLY! for the first time in MONTHS it seems I can comment on your blog again!! It wasn't letting me even when I tried all the time. Anyways, isn't Lake Mich gorgeous in the winter? My stepmom and I went to Muskegon a few weeks ago and took a bunch of pictures, but it wasn't frozen like when you saw it! The pics are gorgeous!


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posted by sometrouble @ 1:35 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, February 06, 2007

How many times have you heard someone say that they like a women better without any makeup? They like the natural look. I bet everyone has heard at least one person say that at some point.

This is what I just dumped out of my makeup bag. I only wear one of those things on a very regular basis. Guess which one?

Some of the others are staples when I do put on makeup...but I usually don't get all made up unless I am going out to be in some sort of social situation. I don't bother with it for the store or being at home. I didn't wear it to work much either (because I always had no time in the morning). Even going to a restaurant with just my husband doesn't warrant a full beauty routine.

Which brings me to the puzzling part. My husband has told me that he likes me without makeup. He likes me natural, thinks I am very beautiful, and that I don't need all that. However, whenever I do put on some makeup, he always comments that I look beautiful. I love to hear that from him in any situation. The irony just got me thinking. What do men REALLY like?

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At February 08, 2007 11:20 AM, Blogger Kat said...

My ex HATED makup and would protest when I put it on. I guess he was right, because at the time I wore it because I didn't like the way I looked. Now it's part of the routine... I keep some concealer because I hate having blemishes at 24, and some eyeliner/shadow/mascara for looking spiffy (it's all in the eyes!) but the one real staple that I can't go without is blush. It makes a HUGE difference not to look like a zombie! :D


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Molasses Crinkles

posted by sometrouble @ 10:44 PM | Test Category Two | Friday, February 02, 2007

Just finished making molasses crinkle cookies. My mom used to make them, but this is the first time I have ever made them. They sure are tasty...but mine came out a little differently than hers always do.

I will share the recipe with you...although I just got it out of my fabulous Betty Crocker cookbook:
Molasses Crinkle Cookies

Mix thoroughly:

3/4 cup soft shortening
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 egg
1/4 cup molasses

Sift together and stir in:

2 1/4 cups Flour
2 tsp. soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cloves
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger

Chill dough. Roll into balls the size of large walnuts. Dip tops in sugar. Place sugar-side-up, 3" apart on greased baking sheet. Sprinkle each cookie with 2 or 3 drops of water to produce a cracked surface. Bake just until set but not hard.

Temperature: 375
Time: Bake 10 to 12 minutes
Amount: About 4 dozen 2 1/2" cookies.

Except, I made mine a little smaller than a large walnut, I think. Also, I baked the first set 10 minutes...and they were a little too crunchy. The second ones only went for 9 minutes...they are better, but I might even do them less time next time. They don't look like my moms do. Hers are not as flattened out...and the cracks on top are more defined. I don't know why mine aren't like that. They still taste great, though. If anyone else makes them, let me know how you like them!

*EDIT* If you forget about the "sprinkling two or three drops of water on each cookie" part, they come out a little bit more like the way I thought they were supposed to (and I only gave these 8 1/2 minutes):

I have this lamp...I love it. My grandparents found it on someone's trash pile with the cord cut. My grandfather re-wired it, and I saw it sitting in their basement and asked them about it. (I wanted it) They said they picked it up for me. (I was so thrilled) But it had a really dated looking lampshade. (not the one was actually WORSE!) They let me trade shades with one of their old lamps in an extra bedroom, so I got this one that is decent. It has a couple spots that are worn...and one little cut in one side.

I have been keeping an eye out for a replacement. A friend suggested something like a rice-paper shade. Trouble is, it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a drum lamp shade this size anymore. Any stores only have the short little ones. I have yet to start going to expensive specialty lamp stores because they are...well...expensive. I need help...I even searched online without much luck. If anyone has any suggestions, please tell me. I really want to get it updated...but I am getting nowhere finding anything.

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At February 03, 2007 1:46 PM, Blogger Allie said...

mmm, those cookies are making my mouth water!

I'll have to try my hand at making them too :o)


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Random Photo Friday

posted by sometrouble @ 12:18 PM | Test Category Two |

"Pastry & Donut Shop"

Just for your amusement...because it amused me. Sorry it is such low quality...I took it while trying to be very sneaky...and from across the street, in the dark, through my car windshield, and while it was snowing. I tried again...and the flash went off! So it was time to split before anyone noticed. The sign originally said the name of a town near I blurred that part out. Yes, those are both Police is a little hard to tell on the one on the left. In reality...this town is so small, that is probably the whole shift right there. :o)

SPF will come later on today, I promise!

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