technical complaints

posted by sometrouble @ 2:07 PM | Test Category Two | Sunday, August 20, 2006

I've misplaced my Canon Powershot. I am so frustrated, I have looked everywhere I can think of. Our apartment isn't that has to be somewhere. I just can't remember where I put it. I brought out the Nikon today, and took some photos of Harriet, the cat that Chad's uncle adopted from the neighbor across the street. We were thinking of taking her, but he wanted her now, so she is living downstairs since yesterday. She really is a nice cat, and rather cooperative with regard to the photos. I found that all three batteries I have for that camera were dead when I got it out, that was a bummer. Also, I can't find the AV cable that can connect it to a TV for viewing photos. That is probably still at my mom's house somewhere.

Also, I am really getting annoyed with my laptop's monitor settings. I can't get them right. Everything is so bright and there is not enough contrast to distinguish some light colors from the white. When I fiddle things around to where they seem right for viewing my blog...then photos look too dark. I have folders full of shots I want to edit...some of which I have promised to do for other people, but I can't because I know they won't look right when printed. Anyone have any good methods for setting brightness, contrast, and gamma? I tried a freeware program from Nikon, but I don't have buttons or knobs for manual adjustment, only software adjustment. I can't wait to get in the house so I can set up my desktop again. I miss that big old thing!



At August 22, 2006 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the name Harriet for a kitty.
It reminds me of a cat in the Cat Wings series that I used to read when I was little.

Did you ever read those books?

At August 22, 2006 3:54 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

I never read those books...actually never even heard of them...but I did read "Harriet the Spy" and that was my favorite book for a long time. :o)


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