snow day

posted by sometrouble @ 6:18 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The snow is falling, and I am sitting here drinking a caramel latte and eating a big chocolate chip cookie from Caribou Coffee. I changed out of my business attire from this morning's interview, and put on some snuggly fleece pants. I am just waiting for the laundry to finish, then I have to drive down to my mom's house. I am spending the night there so I can drive her to the airport at 5 AM tomorrow morning. She is off to Florida. No fair.

Caribou's chocolate chip cookies are awesome. I have noticed this before about them...and I don't think it is intentional...but they seem to have a hint of orangy flavor. It makes them really differently yummy. I think it may be because they sit in the bakery case all day next to the orange muffins or the lemon poppyseed cake. I want to try to make my own version of chocolate chip cookies with a hint of orange zest. Maybe I will work on that later this week.

Chad and I went up north to the lake cottage. It was nice to get away for the weekend. We got tired of sitting around and staring at each other, so we decided to go for a drive to Manistee to see what Lake Michigan looked like in 10 degree weather. This is what we found:
Because the lake is constantly moving as it freezes, it gets these big mounds of ice. No smooth skating surfaces on Great Lakes.
The whole surface was also covered in these smaller ice balls. I imagine this is also because of the turbulent nature of the water. They are very slippery, and hard to walk on. I fell once, right on my bottom...luckily I didn't bang the camera because it was hanging around my neck.

Most of the mounds just have drop offs like this on the side furthest from the beach. Not too much further out, the lake was still very much not frozen.Beach grass...through the snow.
Ok...I'm off to my mom's to have "Thai Food Tuesday" and watch Gilmore Girls with my mom and Kristen. Ick...I don't want to drive in the snow. Blah.


At February 13, 2007 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooo great photos of a frozen Michigan!

At February 14, 2007 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures are gorgeous! :)

Hope all is well!

At February 14, 2007 1:00 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Ooo, that snow kind of looks fun!
But we have already had our fill of snow here and I am enjoying the early spring weather. I hear we may have one more storm coming up though...

stay warm!

At February 14, 2007 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FINALLY! for the first time in MONTHS it seems I can comment on your blog again!! It wasn't letting me even when I tried all the time. Anyways, isn't Lake Mich gorgeous in the winter? My stepmom and I went to Muskegon a few weeks ago and took a bunch of pictures, but it wasn't frozen like when you saw it! The pics are gorgeous!


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