Things are looking up a little. My recent breakdown stems from life changes, big decisions, hormones, and a little plain old craziness. I did talk to some good friends and they reassured me that those who speak of "wedded bliss" are big liars for the most part. Lots has been going on in the last week to keep me plenty busy.
Lets see...we got a pool. It is one of those with the inflatable ring and soft walls...but it is 18 feet across and 4 feet it is big enough to be refreshing. The best part is...our landlord paid for it, and I just had to set it up (which was WAY harder than you would think). Apparently level ground is quite important...don't skip that step. Oh well, it's not leaking, and so far everything's good. I've had a pool almost all my life...but really don't know how to care for one...I have some idea...but my parents always worried about the chemicals...I should be able to handle it though...put my chemistry degree to good use! I haven't had time to be in it yet...but the water needs to warm up a bit more for my taste.
We were invited out on our friends' boat on wednesday, and it was perfect. It was so nice to relax, and enjoy summer and good friends. They have three kids, and I love being around this family...their girls are so great. They really love Chad, cause he plays battleship with the 4 and 5 year olds. The baby is almost two, and she's a handful, but sweet tempered. Alexis, who is 4, fell asleep on my lap later in the evening...and I was cuddled against Chad. It was so nice to be rocked by the soothing motion of the boat and not fighting. Just laying there listening to the boys talk about boating.
Friday, I woke up with a terrible migraine. I showered and took Excedrin, but it didn't help. I just wanted to cry it hurt so bad. So I decided to go back to sleep, and that work could just wait for me. I wrapped my head in a pillow, and when I woke up two hours later...I was feeling a little better. I made it in to work for a few hours to at least finish a report for my boss before the weekend. Later on, I went to the new
IKEA store that opened near us last month. I found lots of great items we still needed to set up house...and some I just wanted. But I didn't get the free-standing kitchen cart that I mainly wanted from there...because they were out of stock...I will have to go back for it. Being there made me want to decorate every room of the house I don't have yet. I kept thinking "I can't wait until I have a house, and can get this and that" then I realized that I wouldn't be able to re-decorate everything anyway...Chad will never let me spend the $$$. I got a lightweight comforter for our bed in the summertime, because the one we have is too hot...but we don't like sleeping without it. I picked up several household items (boring, but necessary). I got a beautiful dual stemmed mango and tangerine colored orchid for $12.00! I hope I can keep it alive. Renee and I decided that a martini shaker was a necessity...then we went to the party store and stocked me up on some basic mixers...then we made cosmopolitans! YUM! We also invented a fru-fru pineapple-orange, banana, coconut frozen drink involving triple sec, creme de banana, and parrot bay coconut rum for Chad. Quite tasty I must say. :o) IKEA was a big success and a great waste of at least 4 hours.
I have been REALLY wanting to get a cat. I am so lonely by myself...just bored being alone. I have never liked to be alone. When I was little I couldn't stand to have my bedroom door shut, I felt cut off from everything. At times I like my space, and quiet time...but in general, I don't like being by myself for any length of time. I don't have the attention span for it, and I get bored...which just makes me gloomy. If I had a cat to keep me company, when I felt bored, I could play with the cat...I really think just having another living thing (besides bluefish) would make me much happier. Well, the neighbor across the street (we'll call her J) has a three year old gray short hair named Harriet. She is so sweet and loving, and very vocal. She lives in their garage loft, because they already have two cats and a dog in the house. She had a companion until about a month ago...and now she is lonely. Our landlord agreed to me getting a cat...only if it is that cat, because it would be doing J a favor as well. She is in bad need of brushing...her undercoat is so thick since she doesn't get petted often, that she sheds so bad right now. I went to petco, and bought her a scratching post, a de-shedding comb, and some treats. J and I brought her out into the yard, and brushed her, and played with her, and clipped her claws yesterday. I left the scratching post in the garage, so she will start using it, instead of the spot on the wall she currently uses. J told me I can come visit her anytime, even if they are not home. She also said I can bring her across the street to our place for a little while to see how she does. If I take her, J will give her a bath, and make sure she is caught up on all her shots, and give her a flea treatment (just in case). Chad was a little against the idea at first, but he has seen how badly I want a cat, and he realizes that it will make me happier. He just asked me to wait a little while because....
We may have finally found a good house. I don't want to go into too much detail...because we haven't even been in it yet. We are going tomorrow evening. But it is in one of the first areas we were looking in...which we had kind of gone away from due to not finding anything there. It has alot of features we want, a nice sized yard, with privacy and trees. It is a newer house built in '97. It is something we both feel comfortable with. Peeking in the windows (I know, can we say "restraining order"...and google earth rocks) it looks beautiful! I am trying so hard not to get excited...because I don't want to be heartbroken...but I can't help it. All I can do is wait and see. We are having such a hard time, because we are trying to find a house we will be happy in for at least 10 years...maybe more. We are willing to make sacrifices in the beginning to afford a house slightly nicer than the "starter homes" most people think we should be looking at. But with the market the way it is here, there is no re-sale value in those houses...and I just don't want to deal with that headache.
Today, I am going shopping! YAY! I legitimately need shirts that are suitable to wear to work in the summertime...and jeans. Also, Chad needs some new t-shirts and polos. I love shopping for him, because he hates spending the money on himself. He realy needs them though, and I find things for a good deal, then get to show him...and it just makes me happy. I know that it's really our shared money now...but it still feels like I'm giving him a gift. His birthday is coming up the end of August...I have been working on my gift for him very un-procrastinator of me, i know. I'm not going to say what it is, because he may read this. Probably not though, he knows I keep the blog, but doesn't read it on his own unless I prompt him too...and I mostly don't. After shopping, it's tackle the mess in the bedroom time...we may need more clothes storage...or maybe I can weed out alot of things I don't wear after i get some new things. Ok, this post is getting ridiculously long...and my day is wasting away. Off to shop!
It looks like a very lovely home!!
So glad that it is yours!
It will be fun to play homemaker and have some place to nest in and call your own.
I'll have to come visit soon and see it myself :)
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