SPF: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

posted by sometrouble @ 4:03 PM | Test Category Two | Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm doing Kristine's SPF this week!

My Pot Holders (and Oven Mitt)
Aren't they bright and colorful?

My Melons
I don't have any pumpkins...we're not very festive this year...and we didn't have any melon fruit either. So these will have to do. I know Kristine just wanted us all to post photos of these anyway. (And, I'm wearing a pink top...AND pink lipstick for bre@st cancer awareness month!)

Also...something ELSE pink
These are the giant pink amoxicillin pills they are making me take for this nasty bronchitis bacteria that settled in my throat...and my new pink gloves...cause my fingers were freezin' on my morning drives to work.



At October 27, 2006 6:17 PM, Blogger san said...

I love your oven mits and these are very nice "pumpkins" of yours :)

I played. Happy SPF!

At October 27, 2006 6:58 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Are your melons for sale? ;o)

At October 27, 2006 7:17 PM, Blogger smizzo said...

Your pot holders are the most stylish of the sort that I have seen. :)

Those pills are hunkin'!

First time player..

At October 27, 2006 7:47 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Love your pot holders. Another great rack, but I really must say your hair is GORGEOUS!

At October 27, 2006 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are horse pills, damn!

I played!

At October 28, 2006 10:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The oven mits are so cool!!

Yikes! Amoxicillin..I always have to break those in half, so its more like taking 4 pills instead of two ;-)

Nice pumkins, I love the hair as well!

I played!

At October 28, 2006 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm finally able to comment on your blog i think!! i've eben trying and i keep getting errors.

your pot holders are cute!! your melons are grand!! your medicine is something i really need right now!!

hope you're well!!


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Time is *not* on my side

posted by sometrouble @ 1:33 PM | Test Category Two | Thursday, October 26, 2006

I need a few more hours and a lot more energy in every day. Getting used to running a household is a challenge...adding a full time job with a 45 minute commute in traffic makes it seem almost impossible. I know it is possible, and I know there are many people doing it with no problem everyday, some of them have a child or five as well...but they've been doing it longer than I have. I know it will get easier as it gets more routine for me. I love to cook dinner for my husband, and I like feeling a sense of accomplishment keeping up MY house. I just feel like my head is just under the surface of the water all the time. No more lazy Saturday mornings, laying in bed with the husband until 11:00 AM. We have too many things to get done.

Yesterday, I needed to make a trip to Costco. I had been planning to go yesterday all week, since it was the first day that I didn't have other things going on after work. I was dreading it though, because 5:30 PM is a terrible time to be at Costco, or Meijer's, or driving around ANY shopping area with many big stores like that. But hubby needed deodorant (can't have him stinky now) and I wanted to get a few frozen food items now that we have a deep freezer which my mom so generously gifted us with last week as a "housecooling" gift. Plus I wanted to get one of their rotisserie chicken's for dinner.

So I left work at about 5:00 PM, went to the bank, then backtracked to Costco. I picked up what I needed, taste-tested all the samples they were offering, and grabbed a few clothing items for Chad. The lines were very long. Then it was back to work to end a test that was running...and I was on the road home at 6:00 PM.

Traffic sucked. I didn't make it in the door until after 6:45 PM. Shoved the still warm chicken in the over to thoroughly heat, boiled some frozen corn (I hate canned vegetables with a passion...and when fresh isn't available, frozen is the next best thing), and whipped up some Betty Crocker butter and herb mashed potatoes. I know boxed potatoes are not very good for you...but I was very tired...and NOT motivated to put out any more effort. The butter herb ones at least taste really good, and not like the cardboard box they came in.

My first time carving up a bird...I mangled it a little bit...but oh well. The milk for the potatoes boiled over on the stove, what a mess...mmm the aroma of burnt milk. When I was draining the water from the corn, half of it spilled in the sink. Luckily, I made a lot, and there was still enough. Now I have the chicken carcass and leftover meat to make me some homemade chicken soup on Saturday!

Chad loved it all, and that made me feel REALLY good. He cleaned up for me, and thanked me several times for a tasty dinner. That makes all the hassle so worth it. I love to cook for him. Five years ago, I wouldn't have imagined that I would have my own house to keep up, and a husband to feed. But here I am...with all the freedom of an adult...and all the responsibility to go along with it.

Today after work I need/want to:
- go to the drug store to pick up prescriptions and some miscellaneous items
- unpack and set up my desktop computer in preparation for our internet hook up tomorrow
- make a BIG start on all the dirty laundry
- take and edit photos for Stuff Portrait Friday
- organize and go through all my clothes so they fit in the closet and dressers
- watch Grey's Anatomy and Six Degrees
- unpack as many boxes as possible until I collapse

I want to get to these things in the near future:
- go to the fabric store and make my halloween costume idea
- go find some basic black pumps that are not too pricey
- get some coat hooks from the hardware store and put them up in the basement stairway
- make the house presentable
- get and carve some pumpkins
- frame and hang a painting I did
- print some photos for some frames I have (and hang)
- have my wedding gown cleaned and preserved
- sew some curtains for the guest bedroom
- etc. etc. etc.

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At October 26, 2006 8:21 PM, Blogger Allie said...

And I though I was busy!!

Good luck getting that all done. And I hope you get to watch Gray's Anatomy. This is my new favorite show. I am catching up on the first 2 season's now so byt the time the third season is done I can rent that too!

love you <3

At October 26, 2006 9:42 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

Pooey, it is a re-run! Bah. but they turned on my internet...sort of...hmmm. Hopefully it will be bug free tomorrow...since that is the "official" turn on date.

At October 27, 2006 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too much to do and a list of house projects that frequently gets neglected. Sounds familiar!

At October 27, 2006 11:18 AM, Blogger Kat said...

I wish I could say it gets easier. *heh* But it's more like you get used to it after it becomes the way of life. I'm just becoming re-accustomed to having no energy after being able to sleep late and keep house all I wanted when I was unemployed. >_<


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making progress

posted by sometrouble @ 1:22 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sorry for the absence lately...since we moved I can no longer get the internet from a neighbor. (I know, bad bad bad.) So we have placed an order for our own service, because I CAN'T live without it! Honestly, I can't. Besides the blogging, and fun stuff...I can always get my email almost daily at work. But it's the little convienances like the online yellow pages when you want to find the closest chinese restaraunt, or getting directions or a map to somewhere, or checking a store's hours before I head out the door, or even researching our options for GETTING the internet that I really miss. We got a phone line hooked up last week, and will be getting painfully slow DSL, the cheapest speed they offer (for now) 786 kbps download. We will see how that goes and maybe upgrade the speed, or switch to cable if/when we get cable TV.

Chad dug out our sump pump drainage pipe, and replaced it with a bigger one. He should be filling in the giant trench as I'm writing this. His mom came out to the house yesterday and finished painting the trim work that hadn't been done yet. She painted the kitchen ceiling a fresh coat of white, and also painted the second coat of green (see this post) on the bathroom. I gave in, and since we hadn't purchased any more paint for the room...and I am sick of having only one bathroom, and it being in our bedroom, I let her do the second coat. I still don't LOVE it, but maybe I can make it work. If not, it's getting covered! I will just be happy to have that room in comission, and not have to worry about painting it.

I still have LOTS of boxes to unpack, and TONS of other things to do...but it is coming together, finally.

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At October 24, 2006 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't live CANT LIVE without internet at home. I mean, I ordered our new internet service three weeks before we moved last time to make sure they'd be able to install it the DAY we got our keys.

At October 24, 2006 2:52 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

I would have done the same...except I had to convince the hubby that we NEEDED it. He seemed to think if we had the internet, that I would not put anything away at the house, and just waste away my home hours on there. lol.

At October 26, 2006 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He can put stuff away too, he's got capable hands! (That'd be my answer. haha)

But CZ would know better with me, as a me without internet is not a happy, cooperative or productive me!

At October 26, 2006 11:40 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

haha! He would argue that he doesn't know where I want anything. Which is kinda a valid point...cause I'm the one who needs to be able to find the iron, or the food processor...and much of the most recent stuff we moved that is still in boxes came from my mom's house and is all my old stuff.
at least we are *supposed* to be getting it tomorrow...(fingers crossed)!


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posted by sometrouble @ 12:33 PM | Test Category Two | Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I have joined Flickr and also have joined the 365days group. Lots of other bloggers are doing it including my friend Lazy Lightning. You should consider it, I know it sounds like a lot of work and a big commitment; but I also think it is a really fun and beneficial exercise. They don't penalize you if you miss a day here and there either, and you can make up days that you were unable to post a photo in the case of vacation afterward all at once...my goal is to not miss any days. We will see how it goes. You can see the most recent shots over in the sidebar *idea shamelessly stolen from Lazy Lightning :o) it is flattery, right?* Take a look, and try it yourself!


At October 18, 2006 2:26 PM, Blogger Allie said...

That sounds like a really cool idea. I would love to do that! If only I had a camera...

I've been itching to do a photo project of "the little things" that make up my day. I don't know if you had a chance to read my blog lately, but I posted an entry about how some of those little things are now gone, and it really does make a difference. It would be nice to capture them so I can have them for all eternity.


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We interrupt this program...

posted by sometrouble @ 10:45 AM | Test Category Two | Thursday, October 12, 2006


It was snowing here a few minutes ago! Ok, just lightly, and nothing is sticking...but it made me happy to see. I had no idea we might get a few flakes today, so it was a nice surprise for my morning. Chad called and said it was snowing pretty good at our house about 20 miles to the northeast...and actually sticking! He said his truck was already getting a pretty good dusting. I'm sure it won't be much, and it will all melt before I get home.

We are mostly all moved in, there are a few large things still stored in my mom's basement and garage that we have to pick up. I still have much organizing and unpacking to do, but it's getting there. We still need to figure out what color we're going to get and finish painting the green bathroom.

We regret to report that we do not yet have an internet connection at the new house...not even a weak signal from a neighbor. So, until I get that set up, I won't be around as much. I actually had to use the real PHONE BOOK to find some Thai food last night!!! Can you believe it???

Yes I have a cold. already. I stayed home from work yesterday because I was feeling so miserable, and the sudafed wasn't helping. I laid around and did not much of anything. Then I realized that I was supposed to take 2 pills not 1, and had only been taking half the dose. I feel better today, I think yesterday's rest helped a lot.

Cato seems to have something irritating his left eye. He blinks it more than the other one, and doesn't always have it open all the way. I called a friend who is a vet tech, and she said to try putting some contact solution in there a couple times a day, and if that doesn't help after a few days, she can get us some medicine for him.


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At October 13, 2006 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I wish I could find some thai food. :-(

Fry has had eye problems since we got him. He has a permanently blocked tear duct... it causes him to 'cry' from that eye all the time.


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OMG moving day!

posted by sometrouble @ 6:33 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I was informed late this morning by my husband over the phone, while I was at work, that he was planning to move our bed, dressers, couch, and other big furniture to the house TOMORROW. 11 AM I was told. 6 hours left to be stuck at work stressing about how the heck I am going to get EVERYTHING ELSE we own packing in an organized fashion before 7 AM tomorrow, and still have any energy left for tomorrow.

I went and got myself a 20 oz. Carmel High Rise from Caribou Coffee...which is basically a caramel latte with whipped cream. At this point, my attitude is: SCREW IT. I will do what I can, I am taking tomorrow off work...and will take Thursday off too if I have to.

Now I am realizing that I don't have any real photos showing our apartment...the first place we lived together. This makes me sad. I'm with Lazy Lightning in that I love to have pictures of EVERYTHING. I'm just not nearly as organized with mine as she is. I'm hoping to change that when we get moved in, and I have my desktop computer back. Now almost all my photos are on my hard drives. I want to print them, organize them, and album them. My parents took many photos as I was growing up...but the albums fizzle out somewhere around age 4 for me, I think. I always wanted to see photos of this or that...or their first apartment (where I was born) or the kitties they had when I was little and can't remember. Anyway...the apartment is a DISASTER right now...in no shape for photo taking. And there are empty boxes piled everywhere. I will just have to make the best of it, and take some while I'm packing things.

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At October 03, 2006 8:06 PM, Blogger nodakademic said...

Hurray for photos! I am glad I'm not the only one who wished for more 'pre-me' photos from family!

It's never too late to start!

At October 03, 2006 8:13 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

yes it's under way...i'm using the self timer to "stage" photos that look natural like we're living here. i've gotta get chad to be more into picking up the camera just to capture the moment.

At October 04, 2006 1:19 AM, Blogger Allie said...

Good luck with moving! Don't forget to have fun settling in too. And gimme your addy so I can mail you!


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posted by sometrouble @ 10:28 AM | Test Category Two | Monday, October 02, 2006

Chad and I spent friday working together to put up two ceiling fans in the house. First though, he let me drag him to Home Depot, then to Lowes, then to Ray Lighting, then back to Home Depot before we picked them out. I had already chosen the one for the kitchen...but Chad and his brother quickly found out that the "Hampton Bay" fan was a piece of crap. The blades were scraping on the motor housing, and there seemed to be something wrong with the motor...it wouldn't go on high and made this awful grinding sound. So he exchanged it for the only other one of the same model they had left...and tried again to put it up. No scraping this time, but the same motor problem. We had to argue with the woman at Home Depot to take it back. Even though we had the receipt...he hadn't had it when he even-exchanged the fan before...and for some reason the UPC number on the new fan's box didn't match the UPC on the receipt for the original fan even though they were identical. The packaging for the second one was pretty beat up...so I bet it had been sitting on the shelf a long time cause nobody wanted it...it was the LAST one.

We decided to try a similarly styled "Hunter" fan for a little more $$$. Went up without any problems...but we still had the same motor issues. We figured there must be something screwed up with the wiring. We are not electricians...we have just enough electrical smarts to match the ground wires to each other, and match black to black and white to white. (And to have the power turned off while we are working!) I am thankful the house has newer and "normal" wiring. You never know what you are going to find in older houses once you take a light down. The next day, I figured out what the problem was...there are two switches for that light on opposite sides of the room. One is a dimmer knob. The dimmer has to be turned all the way up even if the other switch is on...otherwise it doesn't give the fan enough power.

So now what we need to do, it replace the dimmer with a normal "on" and "off" switch. I want to make things a little more complicated, and separate the wires for the two switches so that the light can work by the dimmer without affecting the fan. Thing is, there is only one set of wires coming out of the ceiling...and about 4 feet of insulation over the ceiling at this point. I don't really want to dig through the pink itchy stuff to try to locate and split and splice wires in the cramped, dark, and stuffy attic.

Saturday, I took my mom and sister out to the house and we cleaned the kitchen, and started putting a lot of my stuff away. There is a bunch more I have to go deal with after work today, because it is on the carpet...and the cleaners are supposed to come tomorrow.



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