Annual feline torture

posted by sometrouble @ 1:27 AM | Test Category Two | Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm pretty sure he is plotting to kill me in my sleep for this.

It was pretty hilarious though. Silly me, thinking that a "small dog" outfit would actually velcro around his fluff. Last year's torture was this.


At January 22, 2008 10:06 PM, Blogger Liza said...

i have no idea how your cat puts up with that! my cats would be flipping out!


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Oscar the Grouch Kitty

posted by sometrouble @ 1:19 AM | Test Category Two | Friday, January 18, 2008

Last summer, we decided to adopt a second cat. I wrote about it. I know I didn't post many good photos because he was hard to get photos of. Well, since I got my new lens (Nikon 50mm/F1.8 AF) I took some practice shots of the kitties. I thought I would just share a few of Oscar. I can't believe how much he's changed...and how much healthier he looks! We decided to rename him, since none of the first names we thought of fit him well. Husband says he looks like a grouch. I say "takes one to know one". :o) Anyway, we thought Oscar fit him (and he does have more of a grouchy cat look than Cato does.)
sorry about the watermarks. that's just the way it's gotta be.

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At January 18, 2008 11:26 AM, Blogger Liza said...

he is a beautiful cat and those are beautiful pictures!


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not today

posted by sometrouble @ 12:21 PM | Test Category Two | Thursday, January 17, 2008

I don't wanna go to work today. Just not feeling it. But if I sit here any longer, I won't have time to take a shower before work, then I will be unhappy for the next 8-10 hours.

I've gotta push those cookies down the page. Every time I come here, they make me hungry. Thursday is my hump day. I just have to get through today, and two more.

Damn, coffee's gone...that means I have to move.


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toaster cookies

posted by sometrouble @ 7:33 PM | Test Category Two | Monday, January 07, 2008

I am thoroughly enjoying my evening alone tonight. I was sad to see the hubby go to work...but sometimes I just like to have some time to myself. I just made "toaster cookies" and have been wearing cozy fleece pants all day. Oh, by the way, I took that photo with my new Nikon 50mm/f1.8D AF lens.

It feels like I'm out of my holiday stressed blogging funk. I have lots of things I want to share here, and just have to try to find time to get photos together and compose some posts. Plenty of things stirring around in my head. I do wonder if anyone reads this anymore, though. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't care if nobody reads it. I don't broadcast the URL to everyone I meet. I do it for me. I know too many bloggers for whom blogging has ceased to be fun because of what other people think and say about their writing. It is nice to get a friendly comment or two now and then though.

That is one of my New Years resolutions. I read quite a few blogs on a regular basis. I rarely comment though. I often feel like I don't have anything witty or original to say that hasn't already been said in response. I want to start commenting more. To show my agreement or appreciation for what has been written, or just to uplift someone else's day. Even if I can't be the funniest or the most thoughtful commenter of the post, at least I am A commenter.

So, have a cookie...fresh from my toaster oven! Here's a glass of cold milk to go with it. Now let's enjoy each other's company!


At January 08, 2008 4:18 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Thanks for stopping by my site. I appreciate the comments you left.

Toaster oven cookies ... interesting, I've never tried that!

I'm in Rochester Hills ... very close indeed.

At January 09, 2008 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap, I'm sorry. I am the WORST reader/lack of commenter ever. I read through BlogLines and therefore I don't even have to click ON the blog to read. So I make my comments in my head (hello Lazy!) and move to the next blog. It's not because I don't care, it's just because sometimes (most times) I'm at work, in between jobs and I'm limited in time.

In any event, I DO read and I should make more of an effort to comment.

Now, can I have a cookie?

At January 10, 2008 9:58 PM, Blogger Emily said...

The cookies look SCRUMPTIOUS!!! :)

Its been a while. Hope you had a wonderful holiday and everything is going well.

At January 16, 2008 1:30 AM, Blogger Amber said...

I love cookies. Those look very nice and tasty. I have a hard time commenting also. Sometimes I only have time to post and then maybe comment on a few blogs. It is totally random how I do it. I do feel guilty when I can't makes me feel like a taker. I want to take the enjoyment of reading but not give anything in return. It is just hard to make time when your busy.

At January 16, 2008 6:28 PM, Blogger Liza said...

i still read! i check a few times a week :) I just am really really bad at commenting. i will be better i promise!!

those cookies look so tasty!!


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It figures

posted by sometrouble @ 9:23 AM | Test Category Two | Sunday, January 06, 2008

When the cable company says they'll be there between 8 AM and 12 PM, you usually expect them to come waltzing in at the last minute, right? Not today. Our doorbell rang at 8:05 AM. We were sleeping. Fun.

That doorbell was somehow thrust into my strange dream I was having at the time. I remember dreaming that I was at my grandmother's house talking on the phone with some random family member. The phone went dead and then the doorbell rang, because the person I was talking to had come to the door.

Anyway, the guy claimed he had called first...but none of our phones rang. I guess we shouldn't have stayed up until 2 AM watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Weird movie, by the way. Strangest one of the three.

Well, now that I'm up, I might as well join the masses at the grocery store. If you don't hear from me, I might have gotten run down in the baking aisle by some little old lady on a mission...

Update (10:47 AM): Apparently, the guy figured out after he drilled six holes in our roof that we can't get a signal from the satellite through our trees. Last week, a different tech assured us we could. CRAP CRAP CRAP. I am now in a bad mood. I don't think I want to cut down a huge beautiful oak tree just for some dumb TV.


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something you don't hear everyday

posted by sometrouble @ 11:33 AM | Test Category Two | Saturday, January 05, 2008

My husband just came in from outside and exclaimed:

"It's raining....YAY!!!"
For once, we're happy for rain. Rain that will muddy and melt all the beautiful snow...making the world brownish gray instead of pristine and white.

This is because we called to order Satellite TV last week. They came out to install it, and couldn't because of all the snow on our roof. They are coming back on Sunday, because it is supposed to warm up...but we were concerned that it wasn't warming up fast enough. So I just helped him haul 30 gallons of hot water in buckets up a ladder and pour it over the roof to melt the snow off. The neighbors must think we're crazy!


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Farewell 2007...bring on 2008!

posted by sometrouble @ 10:28 PM | Test Category Two | Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year everyone! ok...a couple days late...i've been busy, alright.

I hope everyone enjoyed the end of the old one in their own way...whether it was a big hurrah with friends and acquaintances or simple night at home staying up late with family or just spending the rolling over of 2359 to 0000 snuggled next to the one you love sound asleep.

I hadn't planned much of anything...I was actually somewhat disappointed in my lack of wild New Years Eve party plans. The last day of 2007 actually turned out perfectly, nonetheless.

It started around noon, when Chad and I went to my Grandparents' house to have a midday dinner with them before Chad had to go to work. It was really nice, just the four of us spending time together over a meal of traditional German Rouladen. (One of my favorites!) We often get together with my Grandparents, but it usually includes the whole local family. It was nice to have just an intimate afternoon with this wise couple. They have always been very special to me, and I feel very lucky that we have such a close relationship. I see that there is so much Chad and I can learn from them, they have remained committed to each other through hard times and happy times for over fifty years!

Since we had arrived in one car, I had to run Chad over to work at 2 PM. I then went back to my grandparents' house and spent the rest of the afternoon helping them learn how to use the digital camera we gave them for Christmas, and just having a nice visit.

I then headed over to my friend's house and we hung out at her sister's, where she was house sitting, watching the food network (one of the channels i miss from cable TV). We had great fun drinking tea and making cheater chocolate chip cookies in the toaster oven.

I picked Chad up at 11 PM, and expected to just head home and cuddle with him while welcoming in the new year on TV. He asked if I wanted to go to one of his co-worker's house for a party. Sure, why not? We went and had so much fun with a huge group of people (most of who I had never met before). And when we left around 2:30 AM, a couple of inches of snow had appeared. It was really surreal looking...the freshly fallen wet snow coating all the tree branches in the quiet night. I love how when it is snowing at night, the normal night time darkness isn't present, and it almost feels like you should be out playing in it. I would have taken a picture, but I was a few drinks past taking any decent ones.

The best part is, due to a series of unrelated coincidence events, I got to have a 5 day vacation for the new year from a workplace that doesn't shut down for holidays. Going back to work today wasn't THAT bad.


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