progress is exhausting

posted by sometrouble @ 2:34 PM | Test Category Two | Sunday, July 29, 2007

We have been getting so much done in the basement bathroom lately. I can hardly contain my excitement! We picked out tile for around the tub and on the floor. It arrived, and we installed it around the tub. It looks SO good. I'm just going to tease you though, because I think I want to wait until it is all done to show you photos. We got a toilet, and picked out the lighting. The electrical wires are all run. We are hanging the rest of the walls and ceiling now. As soon as we do the grout on the tub deck, we will install the tub!!! I can't wait!

We had new neighbors move in across the street from us. Now we're not the newbies of the neighborhood anymore. The last few days, there have been about 15 people coming and going over there (probably much like the scene when we moved in). I can't figure out exactly who will be living there. (Haven't gone to say hi yet) My friend next door is getting married at the end of August. They decided to plan everything in under three months. I think she'd crazy. I would be a total basket case.

Everything else here is pretty normal. Nothing to rant about. Nothing to report. Doesn't it seem like the days go by too fast?


At July 29, 2007 11:31 PM, Blogger Allie said...

quite the contrary, the days couldn't go by any slower.

I'm earning my summer, baby. By the time I get out to visit you I wil soooo have earned it. I'm not gonna lift a finger when I get out there, just you watch ;o)

At July 30, 2007 11:15 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

thats what YOU think! I'm gonna chain you in my basement and make you earn your keep working down there! HAHA!

At July 30, 2007 11:20 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Yeaaaah...I think I might have a slight problem with that ;o)


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We are a tabby household

posted by sometrouble @ 11:06 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Meet our new member of the family. Our baby kitty. He doesn't have a name yet, so I am open to suggestions. I don't want anything cliche like "Fluffy" or "Tiger", though. Ok, well Chad has been calling him Rambo...which I insist is NOT his name...which only makes him do it more just to irritate me.We got him two weeks ago. I was being a bad wife and looking at kitties I knew I couldn't have on Chad wasn't so keen on the idea of getting another cat (more work...and we are both kind of busy at this point). But there were kind of these shared unspoken guilty feelings over leaving Cato alone in the house all day. I hate to be alone...just having another life here comforts me...even if all he does is meow at me. Ok now I am just rambling. In truth, I went to the pet food store near my house to check out a different kitten...only 9 weeks old. That's when I saw this guy. He was 4 months. And showed so much more personality than the little ones. He is so sweet and affectionate and seems to live only to curl up on my lap and purr loudly. Every time I sit down on the couch, he comes meowing loudly up to me as if to scold me for even being up and about. Well, I managed to get Chad into the store under the ruse of needing more cat food (we actually did), and I plunked that purring kitten on his shoulder. He wanted to stay tough, but he couldn't say no...and I could tell he loved him too. You could almost think that he and Cato were related by the coloring...except new kitty is a little lighter and more brown. Cato isn't quite sure about sharing his space...but the baby is fearless and persistent. He will walk right up to Cato and meow in his face. Cato doesn't really know what to make of that, and he usually does a little backwards jump and runs off. Cato gives up everything to the little one. He lets him eat his food, and sleep on his favorite perch by the window. Little one sleeps at my feet at night now. But Cato gets pissed if the little one is by "his dad" (Chad). He could care less about me...but he gets so jealous when Chad touches the new kitten. Here are some photos of Cato for comparison, and sorry for making such a cat obsessed post. This first one was shortly after we got him. He was about 6 weeks old. He had such a cute little funny face and big ears and those bright green eyes! Not much of that has changed. He is one of those cats who doesn't often express the squinty cat face...but more often has a wide eyed crazed look about him. The new baby...he already looks like a grouchy old cat...always half closed sleepy eyes. I feel really good about giving both of them a safe warm home, and I really really hope they get to be snuggle buddies. Cato was born in some one's garage or shed or backyard. He would ave grown up stray, most likely. Thankfully the man whose yard it was was able to catch him, and we stumbled on him needing a home a year ago. I wonder what became of his family? This new baby was also from a rescue. The woman told us he was in real bad shape when she got him three weeks before we found him. He had so many fleas, that he had become anemic, and had a heart murmur. He recovered from the murmur, and has had the proper vet attention, and should be just fine. Look at Cato rifling through my purse! He can be such a little stinker sometimes. I love my boys! <3



At July 24, 2007 9:06 AM, Blogger Melanie Marie said...

I'm blaming YOU if I go out and get a cat this week!! All YOUR fault! Too cute!

At July 25, 2007 12:07 AM, Blogger Allie said...

aww, they are sooo cute!

I can't wait to meet them when I visit!

At July 28, 2007 9:49 PM, Blogger Liza said...

awww!! New Kitty is SOOOO CUTE!! Since Chris says I can never again get anymore kitties, I will share some name ideas that I had.

Mr. Tvo. (Actually, that is the word verification...)

Apparently I like "m" names.


That's enough I think.


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Fun with pointy sticks!

posted by sometrouble @ 8:13 PM | Test Category Two | Sunday, July 22, 2007

I love knitting for so many reasons:

~It gives my hands something to do to stay out of trouble ^_-
~It makes me feel good to be creating something
~I get hooked and can't put it down
~Swordfights with knitting needles
~It gives me a sense of accomplishment when I finish a project
~I love a challenge, and trying to figure out a new pattern and teach myself new stitches makes me SO happy
~It is therapeutic
~Some yarns are really beautiful
~Raised eyebrows from strangers who see me knitting and notice that I'm not 100 years old with a bun in my hair
~All the many different colors and textures
~It IS art

And the number one reason that I love knitting so much...

All the dangling strings bring both the kitties' attentions to me! Mwahaha! (even "dad's cat")


At July 22, 2007 8:39 PM, Blogger Liza said...

I would LOVE to learn how to knit. I can crochet, but not very well. I like what you're doing! What are you making?

At July 22, 2007 8:56 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

Liza- I am making my first sweater. So far I have only made scarves. I am starting on a 24 month size, for practice...and a really simple pattern. If you are ever in the detroit area, I can teach you. It is so fun! and you can make your own baby sweater for your coming little one.


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So sweet

posted by sometrouble @ 12:46 PM | Test Category Two | Sunday, July 08, 2007

Cato chillin' on the carpet...junk flapping in the breeze (well what's left of it) dignity, I tell you.

not my photo (stolen from the internet)I am addicted to Thai Iced Tea. I really dig it's super sweet creamy goodness. Every time I get Thai food, I order one now. I haven't found a place where I didn't care for it yet. The other day when i ordered Thai carryout at work, I actually ordered TWO...and saved one for the ride home. It is sooo sweet though, and I can only imagine the havoc it is wreaking on my teeth. I can see my dentist's disapproving look now...shaking his head and wagging his finger at me..."shame shame shame."

I have been trying to figure out how to make Thai Iced Tea at home...there are millions of recipes online calling for weird spices...there are instant Thai tea powders you can buy...and their are liquid concentrates. I think I'm going to start asking the restaurants I order from how they make it. Anyone have a tried and true method?

In other news, we are probably getting another kitty tomorrow. (If I can find our cat carrier, we will be picking him up between 9:30 and 10:30.) We feel that Cato needs a companion...and I want a cuddly cat. The one we picked out, is a rescue that I stumbled on at the pet food store nearby. I went in to see a 9 week old buff colored Persian kitten, but fell in love with the personality of a 4 month old golden tabby main coon. He is so very sweet and loving. He lays relaxed in your arms, and purrs like crazy. He loves having his face scratched and comes to "ask" you for attention by pushing his face in your hand. Cato doesn't do that...he scampers off after one or two pats on the head usually. I always wanted a kitten...and we got Cato at about 5 weeks. I got my kitten fix...and now I think it wiser to go for one a little older, so I know more of its personality. I am determined to make this one "MY" cat. Cato is so much "Chad's cat". Even though I'm the one who brought him home...I'm the one who feeds him treats...I'm the one who shares my yogurt and gives him my cereal and ice cream bowls to lick. He would rather be held by Chad. He lays on Chad's chest in bed and purrs. He randomly jumps up at Chad's chest expecting to be caught and loved. He just sasses at me to feed him. And only lets me hold him when Chad's not around. Traitor.

So I'm gonna need name input. He deserves a really good name...and not one that involves a 10 minute explanation like "Cato". Oh, and I'm not naming him "Trogdor" least i don't think so. :o)

I also want to know...what was wrong with this Boston Red Sox player's parents when they named him "Coco Crisp"??? And what was wrong with him, that when he went into pro baseball, he didn't change his name???

Ok, I know his real name is "Covelli Loyce"...and "Coco" is a nickname. But I still think it is hilarious.


At July 10, 2007 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new cat. I am so glad we got Luigi for Boo to play with, the are inseperable. They sleep together, play together, explore everything together and no to mention get each other in trouble. It is pretty funny if you think about it. As a tip, Cato may not like the new one right away and hiss a few times. Boo batted at Luigi a few times before he let Luigi get close to him. Buy the cat "Qwik Baths" at Meijer or any pet supplier. They are cloths with bath stuff in it for even the stinkiest cats. However, it will make them smell similar to each other, so they will be more apt to accept each other quicker if they smell alike. I made sure that when we came home, we petted Boo first when we came in the door so he never felt he lost "his dominance" that only cats can get. Now we don't have a problem with either of them. Well if you don't count Boo STILL getting on the counters and kitchen table we I am not looking! Good luck! -Jenelle

At July 11, 2007 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha Trogdor. YES. That name is going on the "potential dog name" list. Looools.

At July 11, 2007 6:34 PM, Blogger Liza said...

Cato is soooo cute!!!!!!

I LOVE ice tea! I'm addicted to it. I also love hot tea. Everyone gets me tea bags for Christmas LOL! Great stocking stuffer :)

At July 18, 2007 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you a christian?

At July 20, 2007 11:17 AM, Blogger Liz said...

Cato is soooooooo fluffy! And I want two kitties! Phoebe is a terror! But I have to wait until I get back from Cuba.


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Busy Summer

posted by sometrouble @ 3:23 PM | Test Category Two | Thursday, July 05, 2007

We've been keeping busy. Working and filling our off days with activity. I have a day off today because of yesterday's holiday. Chad couldn't get the time off unfortunately. I spent the morning doing some laundry and sewing some curtains for our spare bedroom. They look ok, despite all the problems I had getting the sewing machine to do what I wanted it to.

Here's a question: What can you do with a bachelor's degree in chemistry?

I am finding that the answer to that is: nothing.

I don't have enough education or experience to get a job as a Chemist, and I am over qualified to work as a Laboratory Technician. Michigan's economy is so bad also...and we are unable to move to accommodate my career due to Chad's career. I am just having a hard time finding something I am interested in that utilizes my education.

You know, we've been so busy, and now that we both work afternoon shift, I haven't cooked dinner in almost two months. I think I'm forgetting how to cook...and where I keep things in my kitchen. My husband has been asking me to make Lasagna. I've never made it before...and I haven't really felt like undertaking that lately. Maybe I will this weekend, I know it will make him happy.


At July 05, 2007 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally understand your frustration with your degree! I have the same one...hence the reason Im going back to school!

Hope everything else is going well! How are you liking your new job? Talk to you later!

P.S. Whos the cute puppy?!

At July 06, 2007 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Emily,

I complete understand your frustration also with the degree that you have. I am basically in the same boat.

Don't you wish someone would have told you about this when you first decided to major in Chemistry. I sure do. I probably would have changed my mind and did something else.

I am actually looking into going back to school after Olivia is born and trying to find a different career path. Perhaps business or something like that. I am just not sure. I need something else to help me move up.

I hope all is well. Hope to talk to you soon.

I agree with Emily C. I want to know who the cute puppy is to.

At July 06, 2007 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol you can't do much with ANY Bachelors degree these days (although you can do more with a chem bachelors than with most other ones)! Hence the reason why I have finally decided to sign over the next 4-5 years of my life to get my PhD in chemistry...ugh...

Isn't it kind of strange though, how a bachelors doesn't seem to mean much, now that so many people go to college? I was just thinking about this the other day when filling out all my grad school forms, so it is kind of funny that you wrote about it :-)

Good luck finding something that is more stimulating and appropriate for you!

At July 07, 2007 9:39 AM, Blogger sometrouble said...

Thanks girls! It does suck...but it is nice to know that I'm not alone in the frustration. The puppy belongs to my next door neighbor. She has tried to give her to us several times...the puppy loves Chad...but he doesn't want a dog right now.

At July 11, 2007 6:35 PM, Blogger Liza said...

Michigan sucks!!! In the last four years I have been unemployed three times!! Fired once (went to court, I won) and laid off twice!!!!! SUCKY!

Doggy is SOOO CUTE!


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