Guess what I was doing last night?
Enjoying the Dave Matthews Band in concert for the first time!
My husband gave me the most awesome birthday gift ever! I have been a fan for over 11 years...and always wanted to see them live, but never had the chance. He knew that, and got me tickets for my birthday. What a sweetie!
This poster hung on my bedroom wall before I got married. It was a gift from my then new step cousin, who also happened to be a huge fan. I suppose if she hadn't moved to California, I probably would have gone to a concert at some point with her. I'm kind of glad I didn't though. During the show Chad leaned over and said "I'm so glad I get to share this with you." Which is exactly how I felt. I wouldn't have wanted to see it any other way.
We saw the show at DTE Energy Music Theatre in Clarkston, MI. It is a very nice venue. You can purchase either pavilion tickets or lawn tickets (cheaper). I am so glad we had pavilion seats, because there was a fantastic thunderstorm during the show. It was perfect! Two of my favorite things, Dave Matthews and a good storm!
One of my first favorite songs of theirs was "Satellite." I remember recording the music video off of MTV on VHS. I'm pretty sure I still have the tape somewhere.
Last night's playlist was:
Corn Bread
The Idea Of You
The Dreaming Tree
Grey Street
Money *
So Damn Lucky
Dancing Nancies
Sister +
Two Step
Crash Into Me
Anyone Seen The Bridge
Too Much
What You Are
You Might Die Trying
Hey Hey My My ~
Tripping Billies
All songs with Tim Reynolds
All songs with Rashawn Ross
*Pink Floyd cover
~Neil Young cover
The cover of Pink Floyd's "Money" was pretty sweet. I hadn't read anything online about this years Tour, and it was a nice surprise. I'll leave you with one more video of a live performance of another of my favorite songs.
- At June 11, 2008 6:00 AM, said...
I am so glad you got to go to this. It sounds like a blast. I hope all is well with you and Chad. Talk to you soon.
Sara - At August 24, 2008 6:10 PM, Liza said...
so jealous. i heart me some dave.
Day 4: Hey! What happened to Day 3?
Work yesterday was a good day, and everyone was finished we all got to leave a little bit early. Unfortunately, I stayed up way too late knitting and watching TV, and now I am being rather unproductive.
Today is the first day a co-worker and I will try carpooling together. I know it is the best thing to do...but I am having a really hard time with the idea of giving up my driving freedom. I feel a sense of security knowing that my car is there, and if I needed to go anywhere, I could. Not to mention, keeping things like my knitting projects and magazines in there in case I'm bored on my breaks. Lately, (now that the weather has warmed up) I've been taking my breaks sitting in my car listening to the radio or the rain as was the case yesterday. We're not going to do it everyday; just maybe two or three days a week.
Where is the week going? I need to get up earlier if I want to get anything done. Looks like I have to close all the windows before I leave for work...yesterday it rained in a little because I forgot.
- At June 04, 2008 2:29 PM, said...
Try carrying a bag with you specifically for work things. I carry magazines, my ipod, sunglasses, a sweater, gum, granola bars... That way when Brad and I carpool I have everything I need. Besides that, I keep it next to my desk and I have everything right there. LL Bean has nice ones and they stand up on their own and don't hunch over. It helps with the "oh crap, it's in my car" statements. Just a thought.
-Jenelle - At June 11, 2008 11:31 AM, said...
Those are some big and happy cats. The looks on their faces look as if to say: "look, we're cuddling all right. but that doesn't mean that we necessarily have feelings for each other." aaahaha
Day 2: I woke up early for this?
At 10:30, I called the number on the invoice to find out what was going on. He called me back at 11 AM explaining that one of his trucks was broken, and he had been trying to fix it. Um, hello? Aren't you SUPPOSED to call a customer when you are two hours later than scheduled, and don't have any immediate plans of showing up in the near future?
He didn't know if he'd be able to repair it...and said if he did fix it, he'd try to take down the tree this afternoon. Approximately what time? Oh, he doesn't know...he will call me from the tractor dealer when he finds out if he can fix it today. Meanwhile, I'm stuck at home waiting to hear from him.
I was playing with my camera in the backyard today and I noticed a lot of these bugs congregating and procreating in my yard. I mean a LOT. They are all over the side of my house by one window over the garden. One of the plants must be attracting them. Well, they seem to be having a grand old time having little bug orgies all over the wall. Anybody know what they are, and if they're bad to have around? Their beady little red devil eyes freak me out!
- At June 12, 2008 1:59 AM, said...
I never thought I'd see the day that you become a pornographer.
- At December 23, 2008 1:36 AM, Tolli said...
In Utah where I used to live they were called Box Elder Bugs. We used to have thousands of them on our house and the nearby trees. They would climb in under the window screen get caught between that and the window and die - I'd have to open the window and ShopVac out cups of dead ones... So glad I don't live there with them anymore! (btw - I'm looking for your post on Muslin backdrops, haven't found it yet...)
Day 1: Good Intentions and Procrastination
We are finished with the basement. It looks awesome!
Chad is away on work business for the week, starting today. I hate being alone. I have already slipped into a funk where I don't know what to do with myself despite all the obvious things I could tackle. I have to shake this gloom, the weather is beautiful. I have an idea of what I would like to get done this week. I want to shock him with an organized house when he returns.
Working and cleaning make me feel good, it's just the getting started part that I have trouble with. I don't know where to start. Off the top of my head, these are the things I am thinking of that need doing:
Cleaning up the kitchen, including removing old dishes from the cupboards and packing them up, and finishing washing the new dishes and putting them away.
Our office...I'll just show you a picture of this one, it's pretty self explanatory.
Plant some herbs and a lilac bush that NEED to get in the ground before they die.
Print and hang some of my favorite photos on the basement walls.
Sort through all my clothes.
Make our bedroom a relaxing place instead of a stress inducing mess.
Make the guest bedroom livable instead of a catch all for everything.
There. That's all my dirty laundry. Oh yeah, I need to wash clothes too. And I'm hungry, what's for dinner?
I'm kinda confused by this. Who says that the wife has to be responsible for doing the cleaning? Good husbands clean house too. You can be a good wife in many ways besides keeping a clean house.
You're right, Rachel...and we do share the cleaning. I said that because I know it is something he appreciates me doing (because then he doesn't have to worry about it); and he does plenty of dirty gross fix-it type stuff that I don't have to worry about. By "responsible" I didn't mean that it was a wife's responsibility...only that I am a wife...and that the house needed cleaning...and since he was at work, and I was home I was being a responsible "adult" (would have been a better word to avoid confusion).
And trust me...I am a good wife in MANY ways. *wink wink* :o)
are you guys throwing around any names for potential babies? check out, it is addicting and sociologically relevant.
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