it's that time again

posted by sometrouble @ 9:31 AM | Test Category Two | Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas portraits. After almost a year of having my "studio" (our basement) unusable, I tried to get back into it by shooting on location at the client's house. It went pretty well. Their children are so photogenic! However, halfway through they lost power to their house. That knocked out my lighting system, and their Christmas tree lights. Kinda a bummer. I finished up with the flash and light from the windows. Sometimes you just have to improvise. They still got a lot of great shots and some nice family portraits, which is what they mainly wanted since one of the parents is always behind the camera. This was also my first time doing a whole family session. I found myself taking the adults a little for granted, and focused on getting the perfect shot of the kids' smiles. Afterwards, I found many shots where one of the parents looked stiff, or had their attention somewhere else. I guess I need to work on paying close attention to everybody next time. I'll tell you, the more people in a shot, the harder it is to get a good one!


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