the bird has nothing to do with this post

posted by sometrouble @ 1:19 PM | Test Category Two | Monday, December 03, 2007

And truthfully, this post has nothing to do with anything. Like many of my blog friends, I am finding it difficult to update here. It's not really a lack of time, but a lack of really interesting material to take the time to write about. We have been busy, but we're always busy. Holidays make for craziness, but everyone knows that. I have so much I WANT to do, but two days off work each week isn't enough time. I like Christmas (probably due to the fact that I don't have any kids yet) and sadly, it doesn't feel like Christmas. We didn't put up lights on our house like last year, because most of them got broken and don't work. We may not get a tree because Chad doesn't want to decorate it. And we may not be able to coordinate a day for our annual tree chopping/Frankenmuth tradition. There was a winter storm here Saturday took me forever to get home from work. Then it warmed up, turned drizzly, and got real windy. No winter wonderland here. Well, lots to do, and I'm not doing any of it sitting here. Maybe I'll have some productivity to share later on.


At December 03, 2007 10:01 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Sounds like we are having the same crazy weather. Snow storm and freezing temperatures that heat up to about 50 degrees with lots of wind. It feels like April here!


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