Cool Off

posted by sometrouble @ 12:09 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The air has turned cool and crisp today. I am thankful, since the AC seems to be having issues in my vehicle, and I drive about 40 minutes to work in the middle of the afternoon. My allergies and sinuses, however, are not so co-operative with the weather change. What I thought was a little cold, won't go away. Every time I eat something, my ears stay plugged up for about 15 minutes afterward. Sinus pressure coupled with a restless night = bad headache.

I'd really rather not go to work today. After two days off, I'm not ready to be back there. There has been a lot of drama recently in our lab due to internal investigations. The FDA is due to show up for an inspection any time this month, and everyone is dreading it. I feel unprepared for this due to my newness at the job. To top it all off, they are re-paving our parking lot and it will be closed for the next three days. That means I have to find somewhere else to park. On the streets of Detroit. With a Dodge Ram Pickup Truck. (Notoriously easy to steal) Oh goody. Who knows how long it is going to take me to find a space, or how far I will have to walk.

I helped a friend with some Organic Chemistry homework last night, after he called me at 10:30 PM. Up till 1 AM doing O-Chem. Got home and crashed. We were woken up repeatedly by our smoke alarms going off FOR NO APPARENT REASON. They are wired into our house, so we couldn't just remove a battery. They are also all connected together, so when one starts, they ALL start. There was no fire. No smoke. I don't think they detect Carbon Monoxide, besides all our windows were open. The finally stopped before we had to result to flipping the circuit breaker on them. I guess a power surge can sometimes make it happen. It was raining (and maybe storming) last night.

We've been up to so much lately. "Busy" isn't even the word for it. I missed just didn't seem a priority. I'm back now...but I need a vacation day.

Edit (9/14/07): I had a meltdown at work today. They fired my friend after telling him to come in for "discipline" but promising he wouldn't be terminated. It upset me very much. Then I found out the FDA was there for their inspection. On top of all the emotional stress of the week, and peaking yesterday, I freaked. I had to escape to my car for a bit to call chad and cry because I didn't want to stay, and I didn't think I could work, and I knew I would screw up in front of the FDA. He got me calmed down. I talked to my boss about my aprehension. I stayed at work, and the day went by. I'n glad it is over.


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