posted by sometrouble @ 11:47 AM | Test Category Two | Sunday, March 02, 2008

Well, we ordered the counter top today. We decided to just get the slightly more expensive one that we both could agree on. The extra cost is worth the peace in our home. We rarely agree on a design or style of something, so the fact that we both liked this one was a big deal. We didn't want either of us to be disappointed with the choice. This "color" really is a lot nicer overall. It looks more natural, and has a nice subtle shine to it that the other two (from the previous post) don't have.

Now I am working on what seems like MILES of trim work that needs painting down there. Sitting on the cold hard concrete floor for that long and bending even further down to baseboard level is not fun at all. It is really shaping up though. I am getting really excited. Tomorrow we are getting all the door handles, and decided to change out the ones upstairs as well. Where did my weekend go? Back to work tomorrow.


At March 04, 2008 1:09 PM, Blogger Liza said...

I think it will look very nice! I wish I could get a house remodel, especially in our kitchen, but alas it just can't be done right now. But it will be done before we ever move!


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