Rolling out the new design

posted by sometrouble @ 4:41 PM | Test Category Two | Sunday, February 03, 2008

Here it is...after lots of hard work...and frustrating trial and error code modifications. There are still a few things I am going to tweak...but that can easily be done now that it is online. I am planning to change my profile photo soon...I just have to find a photo that I like better. I have some in mind...but with two desktop computers, a laptop, and an external hard drive...I'm not sure where to find those files right now. I will be changing those icons in the sidebar next to all the links...not sure to what just yet. I haven't gotten around to figuring out why the links in the sidebar show neon green when you hover over them, when I look into that I will change it to another color. I plan on playing with the fonts and colors just a little...but it probably won't be that noticeable.

Can anyone please help me figure out how to get rid of or at least minimize that huge gap at the top above my header. I have a feeling it has something to do with the bit of code that I put in to hide the blogger nav bar...but now I can't get rid of the space. It displays differently in Firefox and IE, and just looks wierd. By the way, this layout will display the best in Firefox...but I tried to make it look ok in Internet Explorer as well. Please let me know how it looks to you.

One last look at the old blog compared to the new look.

Any suggestions?


At February 04, 2008 8:25 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I like! :)

How are things going with you? I cant wait to hear about this new job prospect. Hope all is well!


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