
posted by sometrouble @ 10:52 AM | Test Category Two | Friday, February 29, 2008

RosieMy job, our home improvement projects, and the weather are kicking my ass. I wish there was some way that I could do laundry remotely from work. I need a robotic maid. On a random side note: it seems that all my clean shirts get toothpaste dripped on them before I manage to leave the house. I know you're all waiting to see what I made...but I haven't finished it yet. Everything else is taking all my attention.

We are shopping for a counter top for the kitchen cabinets that we installed in the basement. The husband and I have different views on what color would look the best. Actually, we can agree on one color...but it is in a more expensive price group, and we just can't justify the extra money for a basement. I've got some stock photos from the manufacturer's website that has cabinetry ALMOST the same color as we have. I think ours are a tad lighter. He likes the one on the left, I like the one on the right. What do you think?

Mesa Granite(Click tile for larger view in new window) At first, I thought the left one, called Mesa Granite, was too gray...but it actually has many warm toned colors in it. I also didn't like the white specks, but he thinks that the white will help blend with any white appliances (microwave, fridge, etc.)

(Click tile for larger view in new window) I preferred the one on the right, called Mocha Granite. I liked the more subdued colors, and the softer look. It doesn't seem as "busy" as the other one. I prefer the brownness to the gray. (Chad has always leaned towards the gray colors. Even when we were choosing bathroom tiles, and I was leaning more toward warm tones to match the cabinet colors.)

I finally gave in and told him the Mesa would look fine, and that we should just get that. What does he do? He says, "Are you sure? I don't want you to be mad at me later on for getting this color." I say "yes, it is fine." He couldn't let it go...he was making me want to keep arguing my color choice. If I said I'm fine with it, just accept it a be happy. His reason: "I feel guilty that I'm winning."

AHHHH! Men! Fine then, I will be happy to "win" and not feel one ounce of guilt for getting my way! :o)


At February 29, 2008 1:30 PM, Blogger Random and Odd said...

the darker. hands down. darker.

At February 29, 2008 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Mocha Granite looks better (more "rich" than the one with the white specks in it).

But I'm not the one you have to live with ;-)

At March 01, 2008 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the darker one is ugly.
also, a revolutionary idea for you would be to not brush your teeth while wearing a garmet you intend to leave the house in. (i.e. niteshirt, nitegown, in shower, in bib, in towel, in bathrobe, in sweats. the possibilities are endless).

At March 03, 2008 10:50 AM, Blogger Liza said...

I like the dark one a lot better.

At March 03, 2008 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think of it this way: How many house decisions have you made that Chad has gone along with? What I have found is sometimes they need something that they want to find better harmony within the house. Brad has his own room (temporarily) but he makes the choices over what is done to it. He's happy and I get the rest of the house to decision make! So if he likes the dark one, go with it. You may find yourself surprised! OR put the choices on a piece of paper and draw one out of a hat and you'll have your choice, lol.

At March 03, 2008 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah... sorry that last one is from Jenelle.


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