PART 2 is coming...

posted by sometrouble @ 4:42 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, May 29, 2007

angry tigerI am in the process of drafting the long awaited conclusion to my medical dramas. Part 1 can be found here. Part two will follow shortly.

First, I want to address something that has been bothering me, and is part of the reason I have not posted the rest of this story yet. I only post things here that I don't mind if anyone reads. That includes my boss, co-workers, friends, strangers, family, those whom I have given the link to, and those who may have found this site some other way. It is not a BIG SECRET. I do like to know who is reading here. I know not everyone likes to comment. But if you know me in real life, I can not see any reason to feel the need to hide the fact that you read what I write here. I put this on the INTERNET for pete's sake. If you feel too ashamed about reading this blog to come to me with your concerns for my health, and instead have to hide behind my mother-in-law asking her to not tell me your identity when she inquires about the information you THOUGHT you read here, then maybe you shouldn't be reading it. I'd like to think that the people reading are normal. (I feel confident that those who comment are.) It is unnerving to know there are people reading regularly who are too afraid to let me know they are reading. I'd like to think that my site is not the object of someone's twisted voyeurism. But you really never know.

Furthermore, if you are going to read and feel genuinely concerned for my health, I'd appreciate you not calling third parties and spreading mis-information because you don't know how to read a whole paragraph.

For all you innocent bystanders minding your own business...I will explain. I received a call from my mother-in-law asking if I was alright, because someone had called her saying they read on my site that I had an ectopic pregnancy. Now, I had shared everything I had been going through with my mother-in-law in person, and you'd think she would just tell this mystery person that "no, she is not pregnant...this is what's going on." But she apparently thought I may not be telling her everything, and wanted to confirm this little piece of gossip with me. You can read the information in question near the bottom of the part one post...or I have copied it here:
"My friend started to worry about a tubal pregnancy, but I was pretty sure my doctor tested for that, because they did take a urine sample and draw my blood. I also did a home pregnancy test to be sure."
When I asked who had called her, my MIL stated that this person did not want her to tell me who they were. I tried guessing a few people who I know read and also talk to my MIL. I told her I don't care who reads, it is not a big deal, I just would like to know who it was. I know a handful of people who read (and comment occasionally) who call her. I know my husband's younger half-sister reads, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't her (Hi Cami!). I have the link posted on my facebook profile, and some of hubby's family could get it from there. It is just bothering me that this person specifically didn't want me to know who they are. Also, that my MIL would participate in this person's secrecy, informing me that someone specifically asked her to keep them anonymous...and seeming to take pleasure in keeping the secret. If they don't want me to know they read, the don't bring it up at all!

If you are the person (you know if you are), I would still like to know who you are. It has been very unnerving to contemplate all the various possible reasons why you won't say who you are. It has made it very difficult for me to feel comfortable posting here lately. The post which prompted this whole ordeal was very difficult for me to publicly share in the first place. I feel like I have taken five steps backwards in my open-ness. I just felt you should know how much your actions have impacted me.


At May 29, 2007 6:43 PM, Blogger Kat said...

That's f-ed up, right there. I hate anonymity and that's the reason I try to be so open on my blog. It makes me sick when people hide behind it.

At May 29, 2007 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...spreading mis-information because you don't know how to read a whole paragraph. "

OMG. Story of every encounter I've ever had with anonymous commenters and IRL 'trolls'.

It's almost like these people can't take the time to finish reading because they can't WAIT ANOTHER SECOND to post a pissy comment (or just spread the "secret" they just read to others).

At May 29, 2007 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also? Why is it that some people read your blog and treat it like they're all sneaky and "spying" on you? WTF is up with that? As you said, WHY WOULD I PUT IT ON THE INTERNET if it's a secret!! haha.

At May 30, 2007 1:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hi so I wouldn't be lumped into that 'anonymous stranger' category :-) I think I have left a comment a time or two. I usually feel strange leaving comments on the more personal posts because I am a total stranger, so I usually leave them on the more light hearted posts.

As far as your situation...that is REALLY weird! The only thing I can think of is maybe the person has strange hang ups about asking people about their personal medical information. I hope it is some really weird misunderstanding like that and not just some weird creepy person lol!

At May 30, 2007 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I've heard that you've had three children already from my best friend's sister's brother's girlfriend!

Stupid people. Nice tiger pic. :D

At May 31, 2007 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Em... if it settles you, know that it wasn't me! I can't remember the last time I talked to Carol or Chad. Stuid life, gets in the way! Either way, I hope you feel better and that things go ok. Hope to see you guys soon. We'll be moving in 2 weeks, so no more condo. Take care, -Jenelle

At June 04, 2007 3:47 PM, Blogger Melanie Marie said...

Oh goodness, Rachel's comment made me choke on my pop!

I'm sorry people are so sucky!


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