I want my hour back!

posted by sometrouble @ 4:35 PM | Test Category Two | Monday, April 03, 2006

Whoever thought up daylight savings time was a complete idiot. There is no good reason for only some parts of the nation to collectively agree to ignore natural time and create their own. I can't see the point in it...this weekend we had to "spring ahead" and in the autumn, we will "fall back"...that puts us right back where we started. Just because everyone wants the summer sunlight to last longer in the evenings. So they have to chop out an hour of my life...and an hour of my precious sleeping time, at that.

I have been so busy this last week especially, since the invitations came in, and we have a million to address. So practically every night when I get off work, I go to my grandmother's house, which is where we decided the best place to keep things set out while we work would be, and try to concentrate on writing the correct addresses and spelling people's names right while everyone else wants to make conversation around me while they stuff the envelopes. And my brain is already fried from work. I needed all the hours I could get this weekend to catch up...now it's going to take me until next fall when they give my hour back for me to feel rested again.


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