This sucks!

posted by sometrouble @ 3:58 PM | Test Category Two | Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Well, technically it doesn't...anymore. I'm talking about my vacuum. Just in time for Halloween, I have a vacuum graveyard in my front entry. We have done in TWO cleaning suction machines in under a year. Maybe I should clarify...he and his furriness has killed the vacuums. To be fair, they were both given to us second-hand. They worked just fine when we got them, though. Here is another photo for your amusementClick for a full view to see the expression on his face. I love it.

I need vacuum recommendations. I've never had to shop for a vacuum, and I have no idea where to start. I can read the reviews online...but I trust personal recommendations more than an online consumer review. What do you use? What do you love? What do you hate? Are Dysons really as great as they're made out to be? What about Orecks? Please comment before the cat fur takes over my carpeting!


At October 30, 2007 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have the Dyson Animal and with 5 cats and a very large dog, we need it and LOVE it! It works great and is super easy to clean out (cannister, no bags).

At October 30, 2007 7:11 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

Thanks soozieq, we are actually considering the Dyson Animal DC17. We tried "the ball" one...and didn't like controlling it.

At October 31, 2007 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have one of the lightweight Bissel carpet cleaners which actually made to replace a regular vacuum, and I LOVE it. It gets more dirt and cat hair out of my carpets then you can imagine and it isn't one of those huge, bulky, expensive carpet cleaners that are a pain in the butt to use. I can actually get it up and down the stairs without too much trouble. You might want to take a look at some of those because they are another good option.

At November 02, 2007 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Emily,

I hope all is well. We have a Dyson and we absolutely love it. My mom has and Orek and loves hers because it is so light weight and easy to use. My parents have a cat and a dog and both shed like crazy. My mother in Law had the same Dyson as we have in fact they gave us ours. As you know my In laws have like 5 cats right now and use to have 6.



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Three things I'm loving right now.

posted by sometrouble @ 11:24 AM | Test Category Two | Friday, October 26, 2007

1. Cable knit sweaters. They are so gorgeous. Cozy. Flattering. Classic. They signify cooler weather for me.
2. BIG coffee mugs. Red ones specifically. They fit perfectly in both hands and warm them in a morning chilled house.
3. Chocolate Lasagna from the Olive Garden. How I miss you so. Dumbest decision ever to pull that one from the menu. My chocolatey friend, how you got me throught so many awful nights as a waitress during the "never ending pasta bowl" promotion. The question is, do I miss you enough to attempt to make my own version?


At October 27, 2007 11:19 PM, Blogger Allie said...

Ah, memories. Olive Garden. Dessert. The 7 or so forks I used to eat my rightful portion ;o)

At October 30, 2007 7:06 PM, Blogger sometrouble said...

yea hilarious times...remember the waiter?


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Since I'm awake anyway...

posted by sometrouble @ 4:52 AM | Test Category Two | Monday, October 22, 2007

It's almost 5 AM...I really should be sleeping. I have no good reason that I am not, other than the hubs is not why should I lay in bed unable to fall asleep? I am feeling pretty tired, and I think I will go to bed soon. But since I'm here, I thought I'd share with you some old photos that I found today. They are not the best quality, but they are very special to me. Last weekend marked my husband and I being together for six years. It really doesn't seem like it has been that long, yet at the same time, it feels like forever. I look at these photos and can't believe how much we've both changed. We look SO young.

This first one is the first picture of us together that I remember being taken. It was shot with one of those polaroid i-Zone cameras. The photo is teeny and not very good. Apparently, I need one of these to scan them. Anyway, we are sitting on the bed in my old bedroom. (gasp! I know I know, on my bed in my mom's house?!?!) Oddly enough, the color I loved and chose for my walls back then, is somewhat familiar.
This picture, either my mom or sister took. This was also very early in our relationship. We had been watching TV on the couch and had fallen asleep. I was then and still am so comfortable sleeping on his chest. It's my safe place. These were the first two photos that I had of us, and being all girly and sentimental, I valued and held on to them.
This one is one of the husband's favorites of us. He's always told me that he loved this photo. He likes the jeans I'm wearing and thinks I'm cute in my high school soccer sweatshirt. We are standing on his parents front yard. His brother and his girlfriend at the time were there as well, and we were all getting ready to go out together. This was probably also the first fall that we were together.
I love this last one. I was amazed at how well it turned out considering the camera I used and it being a night shot. This was taken at a party for the husband's work almost a year after we met. I used the first digital camera I had, which I got free somehow, and it didn't even have an LCD screen for viewing photos taken. It was basically a film camera without the film (and crappier quality). Husband's got a bit of a red eye thing going, blue eyes tend to do that...I guess I could easily fix it with a little photoshop. For some reason, I always liked this photo. I still think it is one of the best ones of us together. Even after having our portraits professionally done. There is just something in the realness of our connection...looking at the picture reminds me exactly how I felt when it was taken.I love looking at old photos of us together through the years. It brings back all the memories of how exciting our new relationship was back then. After only six years, it sometimes feels like we've been together forever...and there are hard times. There were hard times back then too, but I only seem to remember how much fun it was falling in love. Six years from now, I hope I can look back and only remember how much fun being newlywed was.


At October 22, 2007 1:28 PM, Blogger Allie said...

cure pictures :o)

Where is the hubby tonight? Working?


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